Part 8

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Roxy POV:

Andee finally got back. She obviously got more than one drink but I mean it's a party so yea. "Hey want a drink?" Andee asks. "Nah I'm good" Jj says. "Hmm.. yea cmon I'm down let's get a drink". Andee and Beni go back in to the kitchen meanwhile Domi, iz and Jj go out to smoke. So now im here with Mari and Grey. Mari is very introverted, I mean I am too but I can still kinda start conversations, so I start a conversation
Me: "so where are your parents?"
Grey: "they are at my grandma's with Finn, he's my little brother"
Me: "oh nice for how long"
Grey: "only for this weekend so I'll have to clean up very fast after the party"
Me: "hahaha ok, I can help if you want"
*I really don't want to help but it's a chance to get to know him better*

Mari: "how old is Finn?"
Grey: "oh he's 8 and really annoying"
Mari: "haha yea I bet. I have an older brother, he's 22 but still very annoying"
Grey: "hahah feel you"
Me: "I glad my brother is only 6, he's annoying too but most of the time he hangs out with my parents"

We continue talking abt our families. After a few min Andee and Beni come but they leave as fast as they came. I went with them and Mari followed me. We look for Domi, iz and Jj bc we want to smoke too. We find them and start smoking. "CMOOONNN!!" andee screams. "Bro what is it" jj asks. "MY LIGHTER WONT WORK!!" she replies. "Here take mine" domi says while handing her the lighter. Now we can relax a bit. Iz is a bit down but I say nothing bc I also need some time to relax. I close my eyes for a bit while blowing the smoke out. "AAAHH!!"Andee screams. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH BRO!!!" I scream. "What?!" She says. "WHAT?! YOU GAVE ME A HEARTATACK BRO!" "oh yea just wanted to see if u were asleep." Andee replys. "I. WASNT." they all start laughing while  still shocked. "So who wants to drink" andee asks while smiling. "Me!" Benni and domi say. They stand up and go back in. I'm still shocked like bro! My heart stopped for 0.01 sec! "AAAAHHH" Grey grabs my shoulders while screaming. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH JESUUUUUSSSS WHAT THE FUUUCK!!" I scream. "BRO STOP KILLING ME!". They laugh even harder and I start laughing too but my heart is like dead ngl. "Is it like your new hobby "scare roxy to death?" I ask in a sarcastic voice and we all laugh even harder. We talk and laugh abt random shit. I need to go to the bathroom and so does Mari so we go. There are so many people I can't see shit! We find the bathroom and i go first. After I did... what I had to do I went out and mari is gone. *great* I say to myself. I start looking for her and I find andee and beni dancing. I think they are a both drunk so I keep walking. *where tf is she! I was gone for like 5min and she just disappeared!* i finally find Mari. "Why did you go away?!" "Sorry?" Shit. "Oh fuck, sorry I thought u were my friend" I say to this guy. "Yea is ok, what's ur name?" "Em it's roxy but I have to go so..." "cmon stay for a bit" this random guy says. *what the fuck does he want?!* "I have to go see u later ig" I go away but this guy grabs my hand. "Cmon stay" "let me go!! I don't have time for this!" I say in an angry tone. "Calm down kitten your friend can wait" "no she can't and don't call me that! Now let me go-" Someone cuts me of. "Let her go man don't be a pussy" it's Grey. Thank God he found me. The guy let me go and turns to Grey. "Yoo stay cool just having fun" "doesn't look like it" Grey says. "Tss whatever" the guy say while turning around. I ignore Grey and go look for Mari. "Hey roxy! ROOOOOXYYYY!" "WHAT?!". "What is it?!" Grey asks. "Im looking for Mari. I went to the bathroom and then she was gone" "should I help" he asks. "If you want to.." I turn around and keep walking. "MARI!! CMON WHERE TF ARE YOU?!" I give up and return to the others. "Did you see Mari?" I ask domi. "No, i thought she was with u" "yea she was but now she's gone" I say. I'm a bit worried bc she doesn't know anyone here and if something happens... idk im just worried. 30min pass by. Andee and Beni are still drinking while me and the others are just sitting on the couch. "Imma get a drink" Grey says. "Yea I'll go too" I say. Grey and I go to the kitchen and we see andee and Beni. "How are they still drinking" I ask. "Hahah idk they're just having fun ig". I get a beer and so does Grey. "Heloooooooo my guy!" Andee says. "How are you not drunk?!" I ask. "No no I am... I think... anyways how are you doing?" She says. "We're fine, wanna come with us?". "Yea why not, BENIIIII COME HERE!!".. we all go back to the couch and I see the same guy that Grey just argued with. "Well well look who finally showed up" he says. "You better shut up" I say. I'm so tired of this dude. "Or what?". *is he really trying to provoke me?* "or I'll-" Grey starts talking but andee cuts him of. "or I'll pull your nails off and believe, me I'll do it" she says. "Uuhhh scary" the guy replys. Andee walks to him, takes his finger and she starts pulling on his nails. This is so gross but YEA GO ANDEE!   "FUCK! LET GO YOU PSYCHO!" the guy screams while standig up. Andee waves to him while smirking in a weird way. Oh I love this girl. "Thanks hahah" I say. " No problem hon, he won't come back" she says. I sit next to domi and we start talking.
Me: "do you know the weird guy that just left?"
Domi: "no he just came to us and started talking abt how rich he is"
Jj: "Weeeeeeiiirdooo!"
Me: "like 40min ago, when I was looking for Mari, he just grabbed my hand and didn't let go until Grey came and they started arguing"
Andee: "this little mother fucker. He will pay for what he did!"
Grey: "chill!! He won't bother you again"
Andee: "do you know the guy?"
Grey: "yea.. no not really we played basketball together for a few years but he dropped out bc he... idk I guess he didn't like basketball or something, his name is Josh. He's the definition of dick head, I didn't even invite him he just came.
Andee: "asshole"
Grey and I: "yea"

We look at each other and just start laughing.

This part isn't that cool but let me know if you like it ;3

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