chapter seventeen

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warning: mention of murder. not proof read.

chapter seventeen

“Who are they, Injang?” your eyes shifted towards those new unfamiliar men you noticed that was following you.

Injang glanced at them for a while before he glanced at your direction. He smiled a little before he opened the door to this store for you. Even if you’re still waiting for his answer, you did went inside after saying a short thank you for him.

“Additonal men for your security, Y/n.” he explained. Your brows furrowed in confusion. As far as you remember, you already have four men tailing you anywhere you go. And we’re not talking about some normal sized men because they have this big built like those bouncers in bars type of body.

“I already have enough?”

Injang smirked, “Jungwon won’t be at ease even if he sends a hundred men to protect you, specially if he’s not around.”

Your eyes trailed over the rack of clothes right in front of you and absentmindedly go through them. Your mind wanders to the night of Jungwon’s party. It was already a week ago.

Ever since that incident, Jungwon became more protective and strict for you. He prohibited you going out of the mansion without atleast ten men, including Injang, with you. Honestly, you didn’t like it one bit.

Yes, you are indeed terrified after the encounter with your past owner, Sangwon. But you don’t think he will do anything stupid, won’t he?

You have no idea what Jungwon did with him or if he did something. You saw how mad he was that night but after taking you home, he just made you go to your room and he went straight to his office room. It disappoint you a little because you expected him to stay with you and comfort you for a while.

He never talked to you about it nor opened the topic about it with you. Even Injang tries hard to avoid the topic.

Your lips pursed into a pout as you frown. “Y/n?” Injang snapped you back to reality.

You didn’t glanced at his direction because you know he will just looked at you with those worried eyes. Your hand cares the soft material of this dress right in front of you. “Do you think Jungwon is mad at me?” your question caught Injang off-guard.

He remained calm and his expression was still the same. “What made you think that way?” he asked and you gulped because of his question. Yeah, what made you think of that, y/n? Is it because Jungwon didn’t try to talk about the incident? Or the fact that you feel like something changed? Jungwon seemed to be a little distant from you ever since that night...

“I don’t know Injang... I just feel like that way.” you let him see your sad eyes. He sighed and pursed his lips first before smiling at you a little.

“I’m sure he doesn’t have any reason to be mad at you.” he said with finality through his voice like as if he’s very sure of it. You pouted before you huffed a heavy sigh.

“Then why doesn’t he talking about that night with me? He seems to be a little distant and he’s also avoiding me.” you started ranting like a child who's been mistreated.

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