chapter thirty-eight

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chapter thirty-eight

“I said I don't want to go to your boring meeting.” you crossed your arm right in front of the door to your walk-in closet, wearing just your robe and undergarments inside.

Jungwon sighs while trying to put his white polo. He glanced at your direction and racks his eyes from your head to toe.

“Bunny,” he starts. “we need to go there.”

You rolled your eyes and taps your feet. “No, you need to go there.” emphasizing the word 'you'.

“Yes and I need you there.”

“For what? You will just talk about business that has nothing do with me.”

You really don't want to go with him and just go to a mall to shop, but Jungwon insists you come with him and promised that he will accompany you later after they're done.

He's still very strict and doesn't let you go out of the mansion without his presence. It's honestly starting to be suffocating, but you can manage. Nothing you cannot handle. It's just today you really don't want to be inside that conference room where him and his friends will be bore you to death.

Jungwon didn't speak and just kept his stares at you. He struts closer, his polo still half unbottoned giving you a sneak peak of his toned chest. It distracts you a bit, but you kept your straight face. When he's close enough, his hand reaches over you to rest on your waist.

“You look so gorgeous and tempting, but no.” he says in a low tone before leaning closer to give you a peck on your lips, then to your cheeks. He then lean closer to the side of your face, lips dangerously grazing over your ears making you feel sensitive.

You bit your lip and shut your eyes, “I want my fiancée with me all the time.” he whispers sending chills all over you.

“I hate you.” you whispered back then continues, “I hate you for knowing how to get me all the time.”

Jungwon smirks before leaning down to place a kiss at your exposed skin. He pulls away from the hug and met with your now softer gaze.

“Can you dress now while I can still hold back myself? I don't want to be late and hear scolding from your older brother.” he showed a teasing smile after he said the last two words.

You rolled your eyes before going over the line of dresses hanged next to Jungwon's polo.

“Can you stop teasing Jay Oppa?”

Jungwon scoffs, “Oh I see. Defending your brother now?”

A smile made it to your lips when he said that feeling the familiar warmth you felt when Jay said that he will be your older brother from that day on. Since you got engaged to Yang Jungwon, he firmly claimed himself as your older brother promising to walk you to the aisle at the day of the wedding making you tear up.

“Yes, and?” you glanced at Jungwon with a challenging look on your face.

He smirks and lean for a smack kiss on your lips. “Nothing, Miss.”

You two walked hand in hand outside the mansion to go to his car. He opens the car door for you and a small 'thank you' was your only response.

Jungwon have a small smile over his lips after he close it shut, walking around to enter the car as well. Injang was at his side before he opens it, a knowing look on his eyes.

“You seem to be in a good mood.” he smirks at Jungwon while handing him his loaded hand-gun.

“Shut up.” Jungwon says pursing his lips to suppress his smile growing wider.

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