A new Albino?

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We see Accelerator with Nao and Jojiro, they can be seen inside a bus with Accelerator sitting next to Nao and Jojiro sitting a seat away from them.

"I didn't think it would be that easy" said Accelerator while looking out the window.

"Yeah, it was quite easy to force him. He sure does love his sister so much" said Nao while looking out the window with Accelerator and she sees his reflection.

Accelerator scoffs as he begins to flashback to what happened.


We see Accelerator and Nao looking down at Yuu while Jojiro was fixing his glasses preparing if he runs away.

"So, what do you say?" says Nao while pulling out a cam recorder and pointing it at Yuu's face.

Yuu gets up and looks at them with an angry face clearly not liking the situation he is in.

"What will you do to my sister?" Said Yuu.

"We will of course enroll her in our school and you as well to keep you safe," said Nao while placing her cam recorder down.

"Fine, I will join this school of yours," said Yuu while facing the outside of the alley way.

"Tch fucking annoying" said Accelerator while facing the same outside that Yuu was facing.

Yuu then let's out a deep sigh and starts walking out the alley way.

"Be sure to explain to your sister for us!!" Said Nao while waving her arm at Yuu.

Yuu just gives a nod and walks out the alleyway, Accelerator then sighs and starts walking out as well Nao joins him and starts walking with him as well as Jojiro but he stayed quiet. They are then walking on the sidewalk and pass by a pancake shop, but they pay it no mind. Nao then opens her mouth to speak.

"Do you and your friends want to be placed in the school as well?" Said Nao with a stern look.

Accelerator turns to her and starts to think.

"I guess we could, does it give free dorm and schooling?" Said Accelerator thinking about Anastasia.

"Of course, our school is made for people like us after all"

"Then sure but one of our residences won't go to school no matter what you do" said Accelerator while thinking about a certain golden armor man.

"That is fine as long as they don't go out and show their abilities anywhere"

A bus then arrives on cue and Accelerator turns to it.

"Come on let's get in" said Accelerator while getting on the bus.

~ end of flashback~

Accelerator then sighs as he looks out and sees a convenience store up ahead. He then gets up and looks at the bus driver.

"Let's stop here, your house is close by anyway"

"Sure" said Nao while nodding.

They all then get down at the convenience store, Jojiro looks over to Accelerator and smiles.

"I'll be heading home now, see you guys later" said Jojiro while waving his hand.

As Jojiro is walking off Nao sighs and looks over to Accelerator.

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