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Fanfic title
Will you love me back?
After being put into an arranged marriage with his one-sided crush, Alban attempts to get Sonny to love him back. With them now married, it should be easier, right?
Please note that the characters in this story do not reflect on the livers, nor are they about them. This story is a fictional work using their avatars only as characters.
Please enjoy!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1

"Sonny, do you remember the boy that used to stay with you all the time? Alban, right?" His mother asked him.
"You mean the one that followed me everywhere?" Sonny scoffed before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Sweetie... all he wanted to do was to be friends with you." She claimed with a sigh.
"No, he stalked me because he liked me, not because he wanted to be friends." Sonny claimed.

"Alright, but why didn't you atleast consider him?" His mother questioned in curiosity.

"Do you think I want to date someone who stalks me? I don't care whether he had good intentions or not, he still creeped me out. And, anyways, why are you even bringing him up?"

"Let me just get straight to the point." She began.
"Alban's mother and I keep in touch, and we were discussing plans regarding you two."

"Plans?" Sonny furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Marriage." She spoke. The male almost spat out his drink at the word he thought he would never hear.
"Excuse me?" Sonny's eyes widened as he looked at his mother.

"Look, honey. You already have a job at VSF, you earn good money and can take care of yourself, but when will you actually settle down with someone?" She asked with her eyebrows raised.

"But why? Why must I marry someone now, and with him of all people?"
"I understand that you may believe this is a terrible idea. However, we've already discussed that when it comes to relationships you never settle. This is for your own benefit, Sonny." His mother claimed, watching the glare in his eyes.

"Your father agrees with this marriage as well." She added on before Sonny could protest again. The male was at loss for words and didn't know what to say.

"Please, sweetie. Alban is a wonderful boy, give him a chance to show you what love is." She pleaded while looking at her son who just sighed.
"Does Alban know about this?" Sonny asked in a distressed state.

"I believe so, his mother should've informed him by now."


Alban ran to his room and locked the door in a rush to call his best friend from school that he still kept in touch with.
He dialled Uki and began screaming the moment the other picked up.

"UKI, YOU WON'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!" Alban yelled as he hyperventilated.
"Whoa, bitch, calm down. What the fuck happened?" Uki asked in a baffled but curious manner.

"S-Sonny... I... marriage..." Alban spoke the first words that came to his mouth. "Wait hold up. What?! You're getting married with Sonny? How?!

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