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Fanfic title

sloppy romance



shu buys flowers in an attempt to apologize to luca for masturbating on his bed, but somehow the soil in the flower pot is not the dirtiest thing that occurs in that room as shu cannot control his spewing anger (or is cum the better word to use?)



thank you bonerfire and florian_aquoris for beta reading this chapter!


Chapter 2: flowers grow in dirt


"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??" luca growls at the monstrosity of an image that makes him want to bleach his eyes.

shu's soul leaves his chest as the booming echoes of his roommate's notorious voice rings into his ear; something that he was not expecting to hear for at least the next 9 hours or so.

what is he already doing back here? is this karma for the obnoxious revenge that got the best of him? was karma fighting back, furthering that luca doesn't deserve this extent of punishment? or does the world just truly hate him, thinking it would be entertaining to completely fuck with shu 24/7?

with how his life rolls out in front of him, shu wouldn't be surprised if the gods were completely enthralled right about now, shutting down the idea of him being some sort of successful supervillain genius after all.

what kind of supervillain would be curled up into a ball on his arch nemesis' bed with his dripping dick and finger-filled ass parading the spotlight? in this case, luca's eyes is the audience critiquing the show.

the worst part about this all though is that he never got to finish. he never reached his high climax. the enemy foils his plans yet again. blasphemy.

"s-sorry." a humiliated shu shuffles with a red embarrassed tint painting his entire body to find his pants, pulling it up to cover his naked body even though it's left sticky.

"YOU SICK PERV!" luca stomps his way to his bed and chucks shu right off it. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

"ow..." shu's head bangs up on the floor. it spins from the events unfolding at the speed of light; his brain hasn't even caught up that this isn't all just a dream or his imagination fucking with him. "i'm-"

"shut up! i don't want to hear your fucking voice right now. god!" luca slams his pillow against shu's face, taking out his frustration through his arm strength because he truly didn't know how to react right now. "why the fuck are you doing... THAT SHIT on MY fucking bed? you really are the most sick, twisted, messed up person i've EVER met!" his eyes couldn't peel off at the lewd wet spots staining his own bed sheets; something that he thought was supposed to be used by only he himself, but apparently not.

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