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Fanfic title

all this over fried rice?



"You see, Mysta," Vox leaned in closer, the anger in his face was now clearly visible, "If it were, in fact, *just* rice, I would've looked past this incident long ago. But what you have done is simply a sin. One that even I cannot accept."



written on 28/12/2021

this was for a bet with my friend on who could write mystvox porn the fastest he won

if mysta finds this, fuck you

if vox finds this, please forgive me mlord i am so sorry

(See the end of the work for more notes.)


"You're an idiot, Mysta. A moron. A degenerate fool who can't even wrap his head around a prospect that simple?"

Mysta flashed the raven-haired man a shit-eating grin, relatively calm considering the fact that Vox was holding him up by his choker and pushing him against the kitchen counter behind them, "What do you mean?! I'm telling you that the name makes no damn sense! Nowhere did it say I have to boil my rice first !"

A stern glare was affixed on Vox's face, followed shortly by a harder tug on Mysta's choker.

For some reason, he found the sensation quite arousing.

In fact, this whole situation was incredibly tense, and frankly, who wouldn't get hard if the great Vox Akuma himself was pinning them against a kitchen counter?

"Are you...actually fucking kidding me?"


"The audacity for you to...think of yourself so highly to not look up instructions? There is no excuse that can save you."

"Come on, dude! It's literally just some rice, stop treating it like I offended your clan or some shit."

"You see, Mysta," Vox leaned in closer, the anger in his face was now clearly visible, "If it were, in fact, just rice , I would've looked past this incident long ago. But what you have done is simply a sin. One that even I cannot accept."

"You're— a little close there."

"Do you understand my point, now? I am going to teach you how to make a proper plate, without that disgusting crunchy texture and immediate risk of being hospitalized."

"I didn't agree to this."

"Your cooperation is not my concern. You have no choice."

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