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sloppy romance



after a week goes by since the fateful shower the two shared together, shu begins to realize that maybe wasting his energy all on arguing with luca isn't the best choice for his mental health...or is it more hitting it at his heart? when shu gains the opportunity to join luca and his sister, lucy, shopping, perhaps that's his chance to dress his reshaped personality to impress luca into forgiveness. that or he could literally dress himself in a dainty dress to swoon luca over; cause little does shu know that any small feature about him got luca head over heels (which reminds luca how much he wants to see shu in heels too!)



thank you to florian_aquoris once again for helping out with this chapter. HUGE AND MASSIVE help. i'm so grateful.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)


Chapter 7: dress to impress (and stress to confess)


"AW! HI BIG BROTHER!" a knock on the door results in an overly tight hug thrown onto luca. "it's been so long since i've seen you! how have you b-"

"why are you here?" he lets out dryly.

luca - whose eyes are visibly pink from being swollen, and a scruffily chin with the uneven patches unshaved from his face - slumps with a lifeless stare piercing at the girl that comes crashing in: lucy, his little sister.

lucy pushes luca away from her embrace. "ew! why do you look like you just got hit by a car - three times, even?!"

luca rubs his temples before sinking in his desk chair, sick of feeling the way he's been for a week by now. "why are you here?" he reiterates with the same coarse tone.

"can i not just come visit my lovely brother because i miss him?" she hops herself onto luca's bed.

"you don't just come here for fun. i know you."

"you're so mean!" she playfully throws a pillow at his brother. "ok, and so what if i had deeper motives to come? i still care about you! and clearly, something is up. you're a mess!"

luca sighs, head in his palm as he leans his elbow on the desk. he uses his finger to roll a pen around, thankful the room contains just the two of them. "mess, huh..."

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