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Fanfic title

selfishly, i want you






"Dad! I can't! He's—I—He can't! No, no, no! I can't do this anymore!" Sonny cried as he gripped weakly onto his father who was trying to keep himself together so he can support his son.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I should've—I—I should've answere—sor—I'm—"

The blond started to hyperventilate as he uttered a string of incoherent apologies until he was desperately gasping for air, his chest tightening even more than it already had been since a week ago.

Alban is in the hospital and nobody knows when he will wake up.



This is slightly beta'd but the last parts were not since I literally couldn't be bothered. This took a whole month and probably more just for me to finish cuz motivation ain't anywhere for me to find :"> Still hope you guys will like this chapter muehehehe

There is one more chapter left of this story and I hope y'all would stick around for it since it's gonna be spicy wink wink

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)


Chapter 5 - Us Together


Sonny blinked with no thoughts running through his head, eyes focused on the weirdly pure white linens covering Alban on the hospital bed. It has been a whole week and Alban has yet to open his eyes and wake up. There hadn't been a second where Sonny haven't stopped beating himself over what was happening.

If only he could be brave. If only he could protect Alban and show him that he wanted him. That no matter what, he wanted to be with him and love him. He wanted to prove himself so bad but how can he do that when Alban's lips have gone paler than they've ever been? How can he shamelessly announce his love when he couldn't even do anything to prevent Alban from getting hurt?

He just watched him fade away.

"Sonny, at least eat a cup of noodles, please."

His father, Aiden, has been trying to coax him into eating. He couldn't bring himself to eat as he stares at Alban's unconscious body, hoping, pleading for his shut eyes to open and look back at him. He doesn't care if he looked at him with anger or pain, he just wants him to wake up.

Dammit, he needs to wake up or Sonny is gonna lose his mind.

Aiden could only hopelessly watch his son get consumed by fear more and more even though he had appeared to be fine in his exterior. The calm facade he was subconsciously putting up was not enough to cover the overbearing anxiety his son was feeling because no matter what, even if he can't see it he can feel it so damn well. He is the boy's father for a reason.

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