Chapter 1: "You better watch out darling!"

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Hellooo, so I decided to write a story about Lesso. Because i'm like obsessed with her. English isn't my first language so sorry for spelling mistakes.

I hope you like my story and leave some comments :))


As you were enjoying the flight you saw those two castles with opposite aesthetic and a tower in the middle. Seems like the school you are spending the next year in.

Of course you already knew in which school you're going to be. Ugh the bling of the right school disgust you. How on earth could somebody really like this. You will never understand it.

As the bird flew to the dark school, he loosened his grip on your shoulders and you dropped from the heights. Because of the unexpected action you let go of your bag before you could realize what happened.

You just closed your eyes and felt the air around you. After some seconds you hit the surface of the water. Fuck that hurted?. You would've loved to be in the sky a little more. The adrenaline in your body made you feel alive.

As you reached the surface again you looked around and saw many other teens around you in the water. You weren't sure what to do so you just grabbed your back, which to your luck landed next to you, and followed the crowed. You walked into a big hall and looked around when suddenly one of those big wolves in armor pushed you . "Keep walking!"

"No need to push me. God." you gave him an angry look and hushed away. As you continued to scan the room and walk straight forward without looking, you crushed into someone.

"Don't you have eyes, watch out!" You were sightly annoyed by this person who walked into you.

"You better watch out darling! Who do you think you are talking to me like that?!"

As you look up to the person in front of you, your facial expressions froze. God who was this beautiful lady. The fiery red hair and those piercing green eyes. You were to stunned to speak. This lady was totally your type. And this angry face never looked better on someone.

"Let me guess. (y/n) from Gavaldon. How about you close your sassy mouth, there is salvia dripping down your mouth."

As you realized you stood in front of this gorgeous woman with an open mouth you immediately closed it and straighten yourself. The Woman knew your name, so she has to be someone important.

"Oh, that's impressive. But you know what is also impressive? You" you smirked at the older lady and winked at her. Telling the truth was your thing or rather being bold.

The woman raised her eyebrows at you, pushed her cane into your chest and walked away from you. "Ouch, that hurts"
You watched her stepping on to an increase.

"Welcome to the school for good and evil, congratulations your on the best side. If you open your tiny little bloodshot eyes, you'll find your dormitory and class schedules around the hall. It would serve you well to memorize both. Make me proud."

As she finished her little speech she stormed out the room. Who was this woman. You already knew that you would develop a big crush on her.

After a long search you finally found your dorm. Number 51. All eyes were on you when you walked into the room. "Hey, I'm (y/n)"

"I like your Style. I'm Hester by the way. This are Dot and Anadil. This is your bed." she pointed to the bed by the window and smiled at you. The other girls also greeted you and you started chatting while you emptied your bag and hung your clothes into the wardrobe.

The girls seemed pretty nice, they even offered you to sit with them at lunch. But first you had to attend a welcome event for both schools.

You were one of the last persons who walked into the hall. You saw all those girlies from the school for good sitting there in their fancy dresses thinking they're the best. You actually wanted to gag at this view. They seemed so fake. One more than the other.

There was a empty seat next to Hester and as she saw you she gestured you to come and sit down. While you walked to her some of those fake ass girls mumbled things and laughed while watching you.
"What do you want huh? Why are you looking at me? Never seen someone this pretty hm?"

They suddenly looked a little scared but nevertheless one spoke up "Just keep believing this" they all giggled thinking this brought you down. But you don't take any shit from them so you scan the room for a little present for them. As you found a vase with flowers you lift your finger, thanks to your telekinesis, and transport the vase above they're heads and turn it around.

They were screaming heavily, while the Nevers were all laughing, when suddenly a loud voice spoke up and the everyone went quiet "SHUT UP!". You stood in the middle of the hall and as you turned yourself to the voice you saw the red haired Lady and another Woman on her left. They were staring at you. Everyone was.

Instead of panicking you just went to the free seat next to Hester. You locked eyes with the redhead in the front and she just rolled her eyes. Then the woman next to her started to speak. "I'm Professor Dovey. Dean of the School for Good." A big smile appeared on her lips. She seems cute but your eyes instantly flip to the other woman as she began to speak "And i'm Lady Lesso. Dean of the school for evil."

Lady Lesso. And she's the dean. You feel the heat coming up in you and your checks turn red. You can't crush on the dean. And you called her impressive. While Professor Dovey held her speech you could only focus on the redhead. She already turned your head.

Some wannabe boys came in and did a boring performance you weren't interested in. You just watch the silly faces of the girls on the opposite side. They nearly hyperventilated. Anadil and you laughed at them. God they never had a woman. Because if so they wouldn't want to settle with these little boys.
The main attraction Tedros wasn't even worth laying your eyes on. You prefer to watch Lady Lesso. She also seemed annoyed by this silly performance.

Her eyes moved from the boys to you. She tilted her head a little while keeping the eye contact with you. You took your chance and winked at her again. A mischievous grin appeared on her lips and she rolled her eyes, then she broke the connection and kept watching this ridiculous play.

Finally you were in your new bed. Today was kinda exhausting, so you were glad you could sleep a little now. Tomorrow was the first day of school and you were a little excited to maybe see the dean again.

Even in your dreams she appeared over and over. Tomorrow will be delightful.

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