Chapter 10: "I'm so proud of you!"

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When you reached your room nobody was around. That was actually not that bad. So you could just process the last night on your own. You lay in your bed and the second you pulled your blanket over your body the door opened. It was Hester.

"Oh my god (y/n), here are you. We searched for you but we figured out quick where you probably will be, after you just went missing and never came back. TELL ME EVERYTHING." She was now leaning over you looking right into your eyes. "You look exhausted" she laughed and then walked away again. "I'm gonna come back in some seconds. Just gathering the crew for a story time of yours."

When she returned everyone was smiling. Why were they the one so happy? Didn't you just have the best sex of your life?! They placed themselves around your bed and you just raised, to sit. They seemed pretty excited about everything. Of course you were going to tell them, they were your friends. But they don't have to know every detail. You skipped the best part. Which was just the best part in your opinion. The one where she admitted to can't stay away of you. You didn't know why this was your favorite moment of yesterday, but something inside you went wild then. Differently wild. It made your heart ache.

They were so into your storytelling that when you stopped they were sad it was already over. So were you to. You're so mad at yourself for falling asleep. You really wanted to surprise her in the shower. How embarrassing. What did she think when she saw you sleeping in her bed?

You were kind of excited for lunch today. Curious about how she'll act around you after last night. But she wasn't there. Your friends waited with you until the hall closed and you were kicked out. She didn't come. Where was she? What is she doing?

The afternoon you just hang out with your friends, it was pretty boring. The day was boring. Everything was boring. You lay in the grass, and then you just couldn't be here anymore. The urge to see her overcame you. To see how she's doing or what she's doing. You jump up from the gras ready to pay her a visit.
"What are you doing?" Hort asked.

"I have to go. See you later."

You literally stormed to her room with the fastest pace you could still walk with and knocked on her door.

One time.

Second time.

Third time.

Then you call her name. Call out for her.



It was just silence filling the void. Where the fuck is she? You felt the worry rising in you. *No, you do not worry for a woman, whom you slept with one time. That is ridiculous.* you say to yourself.

Alright nobody seems to be around, so you just leave. But instead of going to your friends again you make your way to your room. Today is a weird day. You don't feel like being around anybody but her right now. And she's not around so that means alone time.


It was her class now. Hopefully she'll be here. If not you'll probably going to freak out because of the worries which plague you. She walked into the classroom, the usual suit and the cane in her hand. You let out a relieved breathe and your lips formed a small smile. It felt good to see her again. Or not.

She didn't even look to you once the whole class. Is this really what she was going to do forever now. Fucking in the night and ignoring on the day. That was so embarrassing and you felt like you were nothing worth. Thanks Lesso I guess. You would definitely confront her when the lesson ends, she can't treat you like this.
You tell Hester that they should just go after the class and not wait for you. She understood and didn't ask any further questions.

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