Chapter 8: "I can't stay away from you"

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"This needs to stop. I cannot do this."

You stare at her in disbelief. She just licked your neck and now she says this? What the heck?! "You're kidding right? What was that for then?" you gesture to your neck.

"You can go now. I don't need you here anymore."

Your gaze saddened with the words coming out of her mouth. This hit you harder than expected. You didn't know why, but it actually felt like a part of you broke. Silent and slowly.
You graze at her arm when walking out of the library. Your were so not ready for this to happen.

You just snuggle yourself in to your own warm bed and enjoy the warmth around you. You just couldn't make out why this touched you so much, you felt cold suddenly and there wasn't even a bit of lust in you.

The whole week Lady Lesso was acting normal. But not in a good way. She was acting like a teacher. You were like everyone else in this class. First of all it fucked you up. It was just so annoying seeing her like this, like she gives a shit about you. Secondly it also was tiring. You craved her touch and her gaze as hardly as ever. You missed those games you played and even if it was just a week, it felt like a month. A year. It felt like forever.

This Saturday the long awaited Never Ball takes place. You were kind of excited, because it was all everyone talked about. It's going to be like a big party. Sadly without alcohol, but you heard that some Nevers are planning on smuggle it in. How evil of them. The thing you know for sure is that you're going to distract yourself and have a good time not thinking about her.

Your friends and you were getting ready, while also gossiping about everything that came to your mind. You were wearing a suit, what's more gay than that. It was dark green, nearly black and under it you wore a white lace body. Your chest gushed out and you looked hot as hell. You were totally satisfied with it.
After curling your hair, that it has waves and putting makeup on you were ready to leave.

Hester and Anadil were both wearing black dresses and had completely dark makeup. Your Queens looking better than ever. Dot wasn't around. As always lately. She was getting ready with her new friends she said, of course she can make new contacts but she's literally replaced you.
The three of you were going to confront her tomorrow. She was acting so strange in your presence and avoid you at all costs. It won't go on like this. You wanted her to explain what's wrong and be there for her, because even tough her behavior is shitty she's still your friend.

As you walked to the ball hall, many Nevers crossed your paths and you just joined them. Together you stepp into the hall. Many Nevers were already there, dancing to the music. The wolves on each side of the door wanted to check everyones bags, no alcohol or any drugs allowed.

Still one boy managed to smuggle some alcohol and drugs in. While other boys distract the wolves and teachers, he empties the bottle into the fruit punch.

You spotted the redhead on the other side of the hall. She was watching you and your gazes met. This time she won't ruin your day, you wouldn't let that happen again so you break the eye contact immediately. Do not waste any thoughts on her.

The boy group with the alcohol came to you and your friends and offered you some pills. He said they're gonna be fun. Never have you tried them but why not. No risk no fun huh?
Anadil refused, but Hort, Hester and you took them and flushed them down with the alcoholic punch.

You moved to the dance floor and after a while you could feel the effects kick in. You felt weightless, moving your body to the sound. Merging into the music and feeling like you weren't really here. This was the time of your life. You guys had fun like never before, dancing until you couldn't breath anymore.

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