Chapter 14:"I'm in love with you Leonora"

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I am sincerly sorry that this took me so long, but I have so less time for myself right now, taht i just coudnt do this. I hope there aren't that much spelling or grammar mistakes. Im too tired to find them rn. Now have fun reading, hope you like it :) 

After Dovey's wise words, Lesso had to teach the whole morning. That is why she couldn't find time to talk to you. She tried to distact herself from all the feelings bottled up in her. Everytime she stopped talking or teaching something to the class her thoughts were with you. The only thing she could concentrate on all those hours was you. Your angelic face, but also the pain that you went through because of her.  She was scared and frightend, but also wanted to clear things with you. The talk with clarissa this morning, helped her feeling a little more secure about what to do. What she knew was that she couldn't loose you. You meant more to her than she ever would admit. Never since she came to this school she felt like this. Nobody was really impotant to her, just students. But you did something with her that she couldn't quite understand. 

On the afternoon you had another lesson im the blue forest which took over two hours. The lesson was intense and there was so much to learn, but that way you were distracted. The redhead with the piercing green eyes wasn't wandering around in your mind the whole time. Actually this was like a premier to you. It was the first day you didn't just spend in your room crying and wallowing in self-pity. It actually felt good to be out of the cave that took all your energy and joy. The fresh air and your best friends surrounding you were the best therapy, they made you feel good and forget all the shit you went trough. 

But one thing you coudn't forget, which still wandered in your mind.  When she came into your room yesterday, she behaved so gentle and empathatic and that was not how she would with other students, that you knew for sure. What you saw there wasn't the evil dean of he school for evil, this was the leonora who lets in emotions. The soft version of her. She showed the side of her she always despised, but this Leonra was the one you fell for. You wondered why she came into your room in the first place. Did she miss you? Ugh, actually it didn't matter, because you needed to forget her nevertheless. This thing with her won''t lead anywhere, there was no future in sight. She would never admit those feelings. even if she had them. Lenora Lesso doesn't date. 

After the last lesson of the day was over a Never started talking to you, while you were walking out of the forest togheter. The talk developed into a lively disscusion about one of your favorite books. You already forgot how you came up with the topic, but it felt so refreshing. You've never talked to the girl before but she was so kind and you were glad she started the conversation. It was like the dean did never exist. Like nothing had ever happened that caused your heart to break into a million pieces.Out of the woods you and the Never decided to sit on a bench near the school for evil. You continued your talk, while your friends already went to their rooms. 

It was already getting dark when you two decided to end your little encounter and continue another time. In some minutes everyone will come together for dinner, so you make your way to the dining hall. You both didn't want to stumble in later than the others and pull the attention to you. You heard the bells ring when you still were outside. You lookes at each other. "Fuck. Lets go quick!" The Never took your hand and pulled you with her. You ran into the school building, both laughing way to hard. A dull noise echoed in the hallway. "They closed the door, shit. I guess there won't be a sneaky entrance for us." you shrugged your shoulders. "Uhh I hate this." she said but still laughed. You opened the big wooden door of the dining hall, standing there out of breath from the sprint you just did, your hand still entervined with hers. 

You looked directly into her eyes. Everything around her blurry. But her, clearer then ever, with her grace and beauty, sitting at the table on the other side of the room. Her eyes fixed on your, you can see how her expression changed as soon as her eyes move some centimeters down. Immediatley you let go of the Nevers hand, you didn't even realize you were still holding it until now. You swallow hard and break the eye contact before something embarassing would happen here. You turn to the girl next to you and give a a forced smile "Thanks for the talk, see you." You made your way to your firends who were watching you curious. After a little summary of your last hours you all ate peacfully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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