Chapter 12: "Nevers don't fall in love!"

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(much Dialogue today, sorry :)

You open the bathroom door slowly and look out, seeing an amused Dovey and a rather angry Lesso. Why's she angry now? Dovwy already catched you, so there's no need to hide anymore. Luckily there were clothes in the bathroom, that you could put on.

"So....what is going on between you two?" Dovey swichted looks between you waiting for an answer, but you not going to say anything. Actually you had no idea yourself, what you were. Lesso takes over that part and answers the professor for good.

"WE JUST HAD FUN, if you really wann know Clarissa."

"So you're not in love Lesso?"

"IN LOVE?!" Leonora repeats shocked "Nevers don't fall in love, have you forgotten? And I'm surely not in love with some student of mine!"

Some student? You are just some student to her? This cut deep. Too deep. You fell for her. Every day a little more. You adored every inch of that woman.

Her piercing green eyes. Her firery red hair. Her godly body. Her silly laugh. How she always wants to seem more evil, than she actually is. How she says she hates cuddles, but secretly enjoys them.

You loved her.

And just realized it. You felt the tears forming in your eyes. Before the deans could see them, you left. "I have to go now. Have a good day Professor Dovey!"

When you were out of sight youo started running. Running out of that building. As far away as you could get from her. It felt ike you were suffocating. You couldn't breath. You couldn't think. Finally you got out of the castle. You were standing in the rain and were able to breath out. The raindrops on you felt like a purification. You couldn't go back in there. Not yet.

It was getting dark, nevertheless you went into the garden next to the woods. You placed yourself under a tree in the wet gras. Because your clothes were already soaked, it wasn't really a problem. While you sat there in the dark, you tought about her and the last weeks. You recapitulated every situation again. She wanted you. You were not the only chasing. But it was just for her pleassure it seems. She used you. Consumed you. And when she's finished, she will throw you away. Like a toy.

How pathetic of you to think there could be something more. It seemed all so real to you. Like she genuily cared and liked you. Like she wanted to spend time with you besides the sex. But of coursse not. Why would the prettiest evil woman want to spend time with a boring girl. How in hell could you be so dumb and fall for your teacher?! The fucking dean of your school! A Never! NEVERS DON'T LOVE.

Never in your life you felt like this. So exhausted, as if you couldn't go on with anything anymore. Maybe that's why you never wanted to fall in love. Love means pain. And pain makes you weak. So love makes you weak. You don't want to be weak, but right now you were.

More tears streamed down your face while thinking of Leonora. You were breaking apart. The pain you felt made you cry out loud. You screamed out loud, when suddenly a green energetic wave came out of you. There was a recoil because of the wave, which caused you to hit your head on the tree trunk. For a short second the ground trembled a little under you and then you felt fragil . Weaker with every second until you fell to the ground and everything got blurry and eventually black.

Warmth surrounded you when you came to your mind again. You felt a hand resting on yours stroking it softy. You knew exactly where you were. Her scent rises into your nose. The smell that brought you comfort for the last weeks. But know you connect it with the pain. Of course it felt good lying next to her, still the knowledge of her not feeling the same affected you to much. You needed space from her, needed to loose these feelings. And that was only possible without her in your way.

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