Chapter 13: "Now go and get your girl!"

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(I'm sorry that you had to wait so long. I'll try to update faster the next time. Now have fun at reading)

Dovey left her standing in the dark library, overwhelmed with all her emotions. Leonora was fading out, looking into the distance and trying to put everything together. Was that really what she needed? What she wanted? Lesso could've sworn, that all she had ever wanted was to be pure evil. She needed nobody, just herself. But now it all changed. She changed and she wasn't sure that she liked this version of herself. Did she really fell in love with her student?

Lesso was so overloaded with herself and the situation, that she first needed to sit down. She took a deep breath and recapitulated everthing that had happened the last weeks. She tried to answer all the questions Clarissa spoke about in her little preach. Does she really want (y/n) around all the time? If she was true to herslef for once, she had to admit that she wanted to be next to you every second. Or at least that you were in sight.

And also it was true, that you made her happier, than she was before. But maybe that was just because of the godly sex. Leonora wasn't sure about anything. She never felt so confused because of feelings before. She didn't know what to do or how to act.

If she really was in love, than everything she had ever believed in would be a lie. Lies. All Lies. How could evil fall in love. Love is a good thing and always will be and Nevers aren't supposed to be good. This wasn't making any sense at all, she couldn't be in love. But what now?

Leonora decided to go to her room and just sleep to forget all the confusion. She left the library and made her way to the room when suddenly Hester stood infront of her.

"Oh hello Lady Lesso, I have a little request" she looked at the dean with hopefull eyes.

"What is it? Go on."

"Don't be mad at (y/n) but I know what is going on between you two... And she's not fine right now, not at all. And you also don't seem that good, you have dark rings under your eyes, so I can see how this also means something to you. Or at least I hope the well being of my friend concerns you. So could you please talk to her, she's in her room and nobody will come in. If you could talk to her, she will probably feel better and maybe can participate in the class and daily life again. And this is something the dean and a teacher would want for their student."

Hester just walked away without waiting for Lessos answer, who looked very much torn. She turned around confused to look after Hester, who was walking away. Lesso actually wanted to ask her to stop but something inside her didn't let her. She just watched the Never, until she was out of sight.

After debating what to do, she chose to pay you a little visit. Just a short one, to see how you are and convince you to come to class again. Because now the students will focus on their powers and that would be a really important class for you.


You heard a knock on your door and of course don't answer. You weren't in the mood for anyone. Especially not other people besides you roommates, who would not knock. You didn't expect the person to come in without your permission but they did nevertheless. You turned to the door to see her standing there. The red haired woman you fell in love with unrevecable. You looked at her shocked, she was the last person you expected here. As you locked eyes with hers a tear rolled down your face. There were so many emotions in you right know. A loud mess of feelings rose in you. More tears made their way out of your eyes and your heart started to ache. It ached so hard for the woman who still stood in the door frame, unable to move. You wanted her so much, you wanted her comfort agian, feel her skin on yours, see her smile and hear her whispering in her softest voice. You just wanted her by your side, be in her arms, where nobody could ever hurt you because you just know that she would always protect you.

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