About the blue sun festival

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Meanwhile at Toon patrol hq*

The girls were screaming cause they were watching a video about Brandon Rogers*

Crystal- I LOVE YOU CEO LADY !!!!

Savy sighs lovingly: I wish I could meet him....

Smarty- Um you do know he is gay right ?

Panthy: Um he kissed the girl who played as Stella.

Crystal- Um maybe if you girls are SMART and AREN'T BRAINLESS you would know he came out as gay years ago

Rouge- Yeah it sucks...

Smarty- Oh ? And what's wrong with us ?

Psycho- Yeah !

Sleazy- He isn't even that cute ! And plus you are acting stupid by crushing on a gay guy ! EVERYONE knows he's gay !!

Lonnie: Sorry babe.

Issac came in: SIS!!!

Smarty- What now ?


Markus: Me too excited and need to practice my eating skills!!


Savy: What is it, there's a parade going on?

Issac: You seriously don't remember what tomorrow is... Look at the calendar.

Savy looks at it: Oh shoot! The blue sun festival?!

Sash-( Easily ) AND ?

Vincent: We're going to see Aunt Muriel and Uncle Eustace tomorrow, along with our cousins Phil, Gil and Bill.

Savy: Don't forget Courage.

Crystal- Sweet dog. The red cat is sexy~

Rouge- So is the Cajun fox~

Sash-( Shakes her head ) No. No way.

Issac: Yeah plus there is a competition of being the toughest and strongest.

Markus: There's also eating competition, me need to practice! *went to the fridge*

Greasy: Hey don't eat our food!!

Sash- No.

Lexy- Why not ?

Sash- I can name you SEVERAL reasons I'm not going !

Savy: Let me guess, you don't want Issac to be crushed by the other competitors like what happened to Issac when we were 12.

Issac: Hey! I'm no wussy!!

Sash- First off: Its NOT that any different from the damn harvest moon !

Zack: Okay first I haven't been back to there for so long.

Savy: And didn't you promise to never argue again?

Sash opens her mouth and realized it and shuts her mouth

Sash- Okay. But what about what happened the LAST TIME y'all there a family event ? I hit that kod , y'all blamed me , everyone in Toon l Town threw things at me , calls me names , booed and shouted obscenities at me , with NO ONE'S help some all were TOO busy !

Issac hugs her: It's okay babe, it's not going to happen again, I assure you.

Sash looks at him*

Sash- Yeah right. People still don't like me. And when they all got enslaved by Lila , they DESERVED it

Issac: Sash, I'll get you anything at the blue moon festival. Anything you like.

She looks at him

Issac kisses her head*

Vincent: And it's different than the harvest moon festival, there's horseshoe challenges, lassoing, other cowboy things, plus eating competition where Markus easily wins.

Wheezy: How did Markus digest very fast?

Derek: There's a secret about Markus. *holds an x-ray tablet* Take a look.

It shows Markus's belly that he has two stomachs.

Crystal- EW ! HE'S AN ALIEN !!!

Derek: No, mom found out he was born with two stomachs, one is a normal stomach, and the other is a hyena stomach.

Crystal flips out in shock

Wheezy: Dude how is he born with a hyena stomach?

Derek: No idea, it's a big mystery.

Markus: Markus can digest very fast! *eats turkey leg*

Crystal flips out 

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