At the middle of nowhere

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With the heroes....

Smarty pulls up to a house in The Middle of Nowhere.

Smarty- Are you sure it's the right place ? It's in the middle of nowhere

Issac sees the farm house and the windmill*

Issac: There it is.

Smarty I just pulled over you dumb fuck

Issac: Oh.

Savy came out of the car and sees the triplets working*

Savy: Hey Bill, Gil, Phil!

Crystal- Yikes

Bill: Cousin Savy! Cousins!

Gil: It's been years since we've seen you at the last festival!

Crystal-( Sarcastically ) I wonder how many they had

Phil sees them: Dah! Who are you?!

Bill: Why are you with our cousins?

Gil raises his fists: Put up your dukes you intruders!

Smarty- Phil Bill and Gil? More like the Three Stooges

Savy: It's okay guys, they're good guys.

Phil: Oh, okay.

Courage came outside*

Savy: Courage!

Lexy: It's good to see you!

Smarty- ( Realizes something ) Hey wait a second ! if you done all this before , why didn't you invite the rest of us ?! and Florabelle you were never there !

Florabelle: I didn't know about it.

Issac: Uh... Did we went here before?

Savy: It's been many years since we were teenagers.

Vincent: Oh yeah we compete when we were teenagers.

Sash- Yeah I agree .Y'all could have told us instead of saying it outta nowhere on purpose

Issac: We'll be honest babe, we promise.

Muriel came out: Oh! Nephews and nieces! Welcome back!

Markus: Aunt Muriel!

They look

Muriel hugs Markus: Good to see you kids again, you kids going to compete at this year's festival?

Vincent: Yep. I'm going to impress my wife.

Bimbette sighed lovingly

Eustace: Muriel, where's my breakfast?!

Smarty- Who is that grumpy man ?

Derek: Uncle Eustace.

Muriel: My husband.

Smarty- Damn

Blitzo: He is almost cranky as my dad.

Courage nodded in agreement*

Smarty- I can see that

???: Well well, not surprised to see you again Savy.

They looked to see Edward with Sander on his shoulder*

Savy: Edward?!

Smart- You bozos again ?! You don't know when to give up don't you ?!

Muriel: Now now, this nice gentleman wanted a job so he is our bodyguard, last Saturday he kicked Cajun fox away.

Smarty-( Glares ) Well that GENTLEMAN EMBARRASSED Savy by exposing her HUMILIATING secrets !!

Issac: Oh did you tell the part that Savy-

Savy: Say one word and I'm seriously going to punch you.

Issac: Fine...

Edward: Now now what I did was a mistake, and I mean no harm.

Smarty-( Glares ) Yeah right pal. That's bull

Blitzo blushes that Edward looks like Striker*

Blitzo- Oh man...

Striker: Say, you look like me.

Edward looks at him*

Smarty- DON'T encourage him

Edward: So your going to compete in the games?

Savy: Yeah, me, Vincent, and Markus win many times in the past.

Issac: I could join too.

Eustace laughed: Yeah, you join and you'll be squished like a waffle!

Smarty- Nice try pulling that innocent trick on me you bird

Savy hugs Smarty's arm: Honey, calm down, I know he might be evil, but Crystal will keep an eye on him.

Crystal- Yeppo.

Sander: Feisty ones senorita.

Crystal glares as she got his eye on him.

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