Meet Murray and Champs

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With the kids..

They made it to Casthim City to Cynthia's house

Tito: We're here.

Jenny went in first.

Jenny- MOM !!!

Cynthia: Ah hello Jenny

Jenny- Why didn't you tell me you moved on and seeing someone ?!

Cynthia: Oh you mean Murray? He's very dashing.

Murray comes in

Murray: You must be Jenny.

Jenny looked and the others are shocked

Tiptup: Wow!

Timber: He looks new.

Jenny- Yeah.... I am.

Murray ruffles her hair: Nice to meet ya sport.

Jenny felt a little annoyed but she kept it to herself.

Amazon- Awkward...

Luna: Oh my.

Bumper: So... What do you do?

Jenny- Yeah.

Murray: I do massages, work as a driver instructor.

Samantha- Ooh Can I get a free one ?

Jenny glares at her making her shut up.

Tito- Driver instructor ? What's that ?

Murray: Teaching a person how to drive.

Maisie- Oh ! Like a driver's ed worker !

Muskrat sees the blind eye and he has some muscles ( Not muscular like Jason ) Bit has some muscles

Muskrat- So what's with the one cloudy eye and the muscles ?

Murray: I had this accident and I work out.

Jenny- Hmm.... What kind of accident ?

Murray: Bright light got in my eye causing it to be blind.

Jenny- So how did you and Mom meet ?

Murray: I was doing some shopping until I met your mother.

Jenny- Figured.

He then sees Spike

Murray: And who is this fella?

Jenny- This is my boyfriend well lover , Spike.

Spike: Hey dude.

Murray chuckles: I like this kid.

Jenny- Yeah... He then sees Amazon

Murray: And who's this?

Jenny- This is Amazon. My jewelpet

Murray: No way, I have one too.

They looked

Maisie- Huh ?

A komodo dragon jewelpet came to him*

It's a pretty tan female komodo dragon with honey eyes , and pearl necklace made of champagne pearls like Cristal

Topaz: Wow!

Amelia: She looks amazing!

Murray: Her name is Champs

Jenny- Champagne pearls just like Cristal.

Murray: Yep.

Champs- Hello there ! Its so nice to meet you !

Jenny pets her.

Jenny- She is kinda cute

Champs giggles*

Bunny rubs her pregnant belly*

The Bunny feels pain

Bumper: Babe?!

Bunny- Bumper ! I... I think it's time !

Bumper: Oh boy!

Samantha's stomach is in pain too*

Maisie- We need to go ! It's nice meeting you Mr. Murray !

The kids left in a hurry

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