Red's backstory

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Red- It started out when I was a child. Back when I was Oswald D. Davis. My mother died when I was a baby , she always called me a special nickname newt--After the famous genius Isaac Newton . I barely had any friends . My Father never truly cared about me. He only saw the world in black and white. No color , no joy , no romance , only business and money....

Maisie and the others feel bad for him*

Red- I came up with the Rainbow Friends Play Place idea when I was that small but my Father called me weak , called me an unstable wealth and only creativity !are me so sensitive. Je doesmt allow crying or joy whwm he is around. Whem he saw my idea , He only called me an egg headed sap and a sad- heart artistic scientist...

Blue: How awful.

Red- So from that age until I was 19 , my Father forced new to work for him after he trained me to become a businessman like him , but unbeknownst to him , I been planning my rainbow friends project while he wasn't around and in secret for all those years

Butch: How terrible.

Red - After I left , with all the money I made , I became a different business MN , an architect... Once I finished my first rainbow friends play place , my Father only smiled once until he realized it was that same Rainbow Friends dream he saw me drawing as a kid. Even though he was disappointed I gave him a tour and showed him everything. But all he said that I wasn't his son and I'm a disgrace...

Orange: Geez.

Red- When he even tried to kill me , I fought back , but accidentally pushed him into one of my shelves which had a jar of ink that splattered all over him. He then tried to tackle me but I moved out of the way before he trapped himself in an unready rainbow machine and it inadvertently activated transforming him into a monster he always was. When he tried to attack I imprisoned him twice now...

Dice: Geez that guy needs anger classes.

Red- I guess this is why I always acted like this. Some of his business techniques amd his greed of money rubbed off on me and made me into this...

Jenny- Yeah

Maisie: Now we feel bad for you.

Pink- me too

They heard Black roar in anger*

Pink whimpers as they look

Orange: Where is he?!

Alli hugs Maisie scared*

A sharp finger poked his shoulder and they see Black

Black roars and they screamed*

Orange- Any ideas Red ?

Red- Unless it's screaming I got nothing !

They all screamed before a blue blast blasts at Black to the tree sending a big hold to the tree

They looked surprised*

Black- Huh ?

Black turns around s the invisible person looks from a nearby tree.

Black- Who's there ?! Show yourself !! They hear odd and unique chittering

They looked*

Orange: Who's doing that?

Then an indeed trust able met is shot at Black but he dodges and they see the net that trapped a boulder squeezed it tight until it crumbled to dust

They are shocked*

Tito: Ai ai ai....

Black- Who is that ?! Show yourself !

The invisible figure jumped off the tree nearby and started walkimg

Chuba: Where is this mysterious figure?

Night Thug: I don't see him.

Black looked around but an invisible force kicked him from the back

Black- Ah !

He growled and turned around before the figure cut at the side of his rib making him yell

Blue: Oh my.

Green: Awesome!

Black growled and tackled at him but the figure ducked amd rolls out of the way before he jabs him at the arm pit.

Black- Ahh !

He growled and scratched at the figure , making it fall to the boulder , revealing it's glowing fluorescent green blood on it's side nd on Blacked claws

Croco: The heck is that?!

Jimmy: That's not normal blood.

Black sees the invisible figure tanks to the green blood flowing and smirks

Black- Found you. 

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