Beige, Metal Savy and Waspy are here

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With the Weaselings.....

Perilous is all lovey dovey

Tigs: Cousin is happy.

Angela: Paca!

Arabella- What's wrong with him?

Tops: He loves Marble.

Arabella gasped

Arabella- Pinkie Pie's sister ?!

Jason: Yep.

Arabella gasped

Axelle: I know it's shocking!

Perilous speaks

Perilous: I am happy...

Arabella- Yeah?

Agathia giggles*

Arabella started to make coffee

The Nerdlucks came*

Sweets came still sad about what happened

Nawt: It's okay, we'll get through this together Sweets.

Blanko: Yeah.

Sweets- I just felt so helpless.. I kept trying to fight but he kept holding me down

Bang: Want some cookies? They might make you feel better.

Sweets- Sure

Pound went to get the cookies*

Sweets- I'm sad he gotten me pregnant

Bupkus hugs her: Cheer up.

Sweets blushes and looks at Bupkus

Beige came in with Metal Savy*

Beige: Hey weaselings what's up?

Malikai- Nothing much

Arabella- We were gonna die !

Metal Savy: Hm?

Malikai- Last night the kids came to us and found a very unique alien that the skeksis know

Beige: Interesting.

Arabella- Look She shows him the skull bio mask with the tube of the glowing green blood

Metal Savy: Pretty legit.

Tatyama- Mmm... The picture of it is soooooo sexy~~~

Beige: I see.

Velvet is on Beige's head*

Cherry- Let me see!

She looks

Cherry- Oh hubba hubba !~

Velvet coos confused*

Pentol groans*

The boys looked

Jason is jealous

Tatyana looks and smirks as she has an idea

Tatyana- Jealous ?~

Jason: Yeah...

Tatyana- Awww Jasey~~

She went over to him with her tail swaying

Jason looks*

She first went over to him and rubs his pecs

Jason: Ooh...

Tatyana- hey maybe attractive but his less or absolutely aren't steel or can move~

Jason: Ooh...

Tatyana- Who is my sexy up muscle weasel~

Jason: I am...

Tatyana- Huh ?~

Jason smiles*

Waspy came in holding his son: Okay don't make me barp.

Tatyama- Don't be jealous because you're single.

Fairy sees him and shyly hides chirping 

Waspy: Not anymore, Fairy and I are together.

Fairy blushes as she chirps more flapping her wings as she make pink and yellow glitter

Waspy chuckles*

Fairy stops and blushes as she turned around and he found her and she chirped surprised

Waspy: Hey Fairy.

She blushes shyly and chirped hello

Metal Savy giggles and rubs her 9 month belly*

Tigs- Wait a second you're a robot ! How did you get pregnant?!

Metal Savy: I'm half human, Terrorsaur gave me this watch to become human and a robot.

Tigs- Oh.

Metal Savy: So I'm going to have a baby soon.

Malikai- Sweet... 

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