Mysterious alien

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He roared and ran at him but the figure jumped out of the way and grabbed him by the ankles and threw him to the boulder

Maisie: That thing is good.

It then took out a two bladed knife from it's wrist as Black has blood was on his forehead

Alli chirps*

Luna: Are we next?

Black growled and roared with fury as he went and tackle the invisible figure. But it was a stupid move since he tackled him his two knives went stabbed his stomsch

They gasped*

Orange: What? What did it do?!

Red- You mean what did BLACK do ?

The invisible figure growled as it struggles until with it's massive strength it pushed the blacked body off of him and got up

Maisie: Should we help him?

The blood on his body started to electrocute blow stocks by not in a dangerous way

They are shocked*

The invisibility started to glitch on and off until it reveals his real form and everyone gasped. Even though he is willing the blood off him it's revealed to be a 7 ft tall humanoid reptile like being with long dread like appendages with pieces of jewelry on each strand , a handsome mysterious bio-mask , yellowish and white skin with black speckled , silver armor on its shoulders , chest , pelvis , forearms , as d legs with sandals , also complete with fishnet on his chest and legs. And for an alien he has some muscular and fit appearance not to mention young

Mara is amazed*

Cake: An alien?!

Porsha- Ooh , he is a looker too !~

Jenny blushed red as he looked away.

Once he sees his worthy fighter killed and his head is chocked off, the alien roared victoriously

The alien then grabs Black and drags him*

Maisie: Wait! Where are you taking him?

The predator looked back at them and only stayed silent before he threw a small orb to them with strange numbers on it

Blaze: Huh? Is that a bomb?!

Red We should run.

The predator stayed behind to have more targets and heal himself

They ran*

The predator chiggers and left before the bomb explodes with blue and bite

Orange: Is it over?

Maisie: Yeah but I don't think we've seen the last of him.

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