At college

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The next day....

Smarty , Savy , and the others get ready to leave.

Smarty- I really dont like this

Savy: It will be fine honey.

Markus: Me excited for eating contest!!

Crystal- And this is why NOBODY likes lucky charms

Blitzo: I'm glad you invited me and Striker, so what does the blue sun do?

Issac: Oh when Nos turns the sun blue it showers blue orbs that can be used to dye your clothes or hair.

Crystal- WHY him thoigh. It's kimda.... Dumb

Issac: Plus... It glows in the dark.

Wheezy: You could wear some shade of blue babe, your look amazing with blue.

She blushes red and glares at him.

Crystal- Excuse me ?

Wheezy: Sorry I meant you can wear some pretty eyeshadow that makes you look hot.

Crystal giggles*

Crystal- Come here~

Wheezy came to her*

Crystal pulled him by his shirt and kisses him hotly

Wheezy blushes*

Smarty chuckles

Smarty- Okay okay. Love birds lets get going.

They hopped into the van and drove off.

In college...

The kids hang out in class , Mare couldn't stop thinking about the predator

Maisie: My dad went off to a festival, now my mother is watching over me along with Loona.

Jenny- Im not surprised. It's Deja by ONCE again.

Sharon comes in all blushing pink and lovey dovey

Tito: Hey Sharon, what's up?

Sharon giggles.

Sharon- Well when you guys left , green and I... ( Giggles ) We kissed

Priscilla: Awwwww!

Ary: So romantic!

Laura-( chuckles ) She couldn't get over it.

Sharon- I'm glad I got those hearing aids because when I heard his voice....Oh my it was so sexy and deep and mesmerizing ~

Ice cube: Awesome girl.

Sharon- So how are you and Aldryx?

Ice cube: We're doing good.

Chibiusa came in and Night Thug sees her

Night Thug: Hey babe.

Chibiusa-( Blushes ) Hi handsome ~

Topaz is in Chibusa's purse*

Night thug has an idea to spend time with her

Night Thug: Hey babe, do you want to go out with me?

Chibiusa- Um ?

Night thug: We can go to the beach.

Chibiusa smiled and nodded.

Chibiusa- I love that.

He smiles. 

Alien vs PredatorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz