F explains his backstory

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With the heroes...

Isaac and Sash returned to the HQ all happy

Florabelle: Hey, we're all packed up ready for tomorrow.

Savy: How are you both feeling?

Sash- much Better .

She looks to Isaac who speaks next

Issac: It's kinda a long story.

Hess giggles: Yep!

F looks out the window looking at the sky*

Smarty looks and went over to him

Smarty- F ? You okay ?

F has tears: F....

Smarty- What's wrong ?

Savy: He's saying he misses P.

Smarty- Who's P ?

F: F...F...F...

Savy: She's a pretty letter that he fell in love with on planet Z.

Smarty- Oh that one ! Hey wasn't she in love with G or N ?

F is sad: F..F... F...

Savy: N was your friend? Wait how did you end up here?

F: F... F... F... F..

Savy: It all started when you were little you were friends with R, I, E, N, D, S... Until L and O came and bullied your friend N.

Smarty- So it Was N she liked ?

F: F.. F.. F.

Savy: F said N is like a little brother to her.

Smarty Oh. ( Looks at his phone ) Because I'm watching the video right now where you... Bit her ?

F looks down: F... F... F...

Savy: He was trying to claim her but was interrupted by L and O.

Smarty blushed.

Smarty- Oh lord... In front of everyone else ?

F: F...F..

Savy: He said no, he was this close at his mountain home.

F: F... F... F..

Savy: He saw his friend N being beaten, so he made a word to teach L and O a lesson, but they beat him up and used him to spell a forbidden word that got him in trouble, that's how he was kicked off his planet... L and O were the ones who made him sad.

Smarty- Oh....

Savy: Why I'd never, when I get up there I'm going to talk some sense into them!

Issac: Well how about we go up to the planet Z to meet the letters?

Smarty- But how ?

Vincent: We can ask Red and Purple to take us up there.

F bounces happily: F! F!

Smarty- Well... Alright...

In the Rainbow a friends play place...

Pink smiles as she holds Bubblegum who is sleeping while Blue holds Cobalt and Red holds Morado

Red smiles*

Pink- The babies are so precious sleeping. It looks like Morado likes you Red

Red: He really does.

Morado- Pa... Two..

Red chuckles*

Pink smiled at his kindness towards her son and kisses his head

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