Weaselings meet Xandred and babies are born

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With the kids...

They smile as Samantha holds her baby boy who has Samantha's face , Winter's skim and hair color

Wither: Awwwww...

Muskrat- He's so cute !

Wither: What should we name him?

Samantha- Hmm.... How about.... Ivy ?

Wither smiles: I love it.

Samantha smiles as the baby wakes up cooing as Wither kisses his head.

In the other ER...

Bunny smiles as she nurses three babies.

A girl grey and white rabbit

A boy snow white rabbit

A girl white badger

Bumper looked: Awwwwwww.

Tiptup- They are so cute !!

Chibiusa- They're so tiny !

Timber: Yeah!

Maisie- What are their names ?

Bumper: Well we thought of some B names, I'll name the boy Bernie.

Bunny- I'll name the girl grey bunny Beatrice and our baby badger girl , Bella

Ary: Lovely names.

The kids smiled as they pet the whimpering babies.

With the Weaselings....

They made it to Xandred's boat with Tooya.

Tooya- Here we are

Axelle: Wow!

Arabella- I hope he is in a good mood.

Tooya leads them inside hearing Xandred yell with fury

Tooya- Um excuse me ? Master Xandred

Xandred sees him: What?!

Tooya- There are those weasels you saw two months ago. They said they're your grandchildren

Xandred: Impossible.

Tooya- The red eyed one said he and his siblings are children of your one son , Umbra

Xandred: Prove it.

The Weaselings all came in as Arabella hid behind Malikai

Xandred: How can they prove they are Umbra's kids?

Arabella- Do it Malikai

Malikai: Smell my hand, this proves it.

Arabella hides behind him as Xandred took his paw and sniffs it

Xandred gasped: It's true, you are my grandkids.

Arabella- See ?! And we have something very important to tell you ! Your wife One Eye mean , Stacey Sang-Hyeon is ALIVE at our place !

Xandred: What?! But how?!

Malikai- She was NEVER dead ! She is blacked out from being attacked !

Arabella- But she really did die right after Malikai was born and died from the winter but she is ALIVE again !

Xandred: I can't see her, if I return to the surface I'll turn grey instantly and die.

Tops: Don't worry, we'll fix you.

Tigs scans him: Uh oh...

Arabella- What ?

Tigs: Our wand magic isn't enough, we need the scepter of Sanders to restore his immortality.

Arabella- Cool. We'll just have to find him.

???- Malikai ! Paca !!!

They look and see Angela running to them

Pentol: Angela! Nice motorcycle form!

Jason: What are you doing here?

Angela turned back into her normal form

Angela- It's your grandma One Eye , she's just been kidnapped !

Ludel: What?!

Zanobia: By who?!

Angela- it was a tap male weasel with grey fur like hers , has black hair , blue eyes , black noe , and he's seeing a blue hood !

Xandred gasped: Sanders!

Malikai- You know him ?!

Xandred: The sorcerer who turned my wife into a normal weasel!

Tigs: We need to stop him!

Octoroo: Ooh ah ooh, you weaselings may not have a chance, we're sending Steeleto to help you.

Tops: Who is he?

???: Right here. *as he came in*

They looked

Jason: Whoa! Cool blades!

Arabella- Ooh ! He is kinda cute.

Malikai- Let's go sibs ! 

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