One Eye kidnapped

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With the Weaselings....

One Eye naps to herself by the window

Metal Savy rubs her belly*

Tooya secretly looks through the towns

Tigs: How are we going to find a Nilok to let him take us to Xandred?

Arabella- Just keep looking , alright ?

they look around as familiar heat vision watches them

Tops: Mr. Nilok?

The person stayed quiet invisible as Arabella looked around as MD a familiar blue foot accidentally tripped her

Arabella- Ow !

Jason: Hey! What gives?!

???- Hey watch it girly !

Arabella looked and gasped in shock as she sees Tooya

Tooya- What ?

Arabella started to scream

Tooya- No no no , little girl ! Be quiet ! You're gonna blow my cover !

Ludel: Nilok!!

They ran over and see Tooya.

Pentol- Holy shit !

Rocky: You! You're going to take us to master Xandred!

Tooya- And what do you RATS want with Master Xandred? To seal him? Trap him again ?!

Tops: We're his grandkids!

Tooya looked shocked.

Tooya- Are you serious ?!

Malikai: Maybe if you can take us to him, he can smell us to know if we're telling the truth.

Tooya turned away to think about this

Tooya- Maybe. Maybe so. Alright. I'll take you.

Arabella gets up.

Malikai- Let's go.

They leave.

In the spare room....

One Eye still naps beside the window as a familiar person in a blue hooded sees her and smirks with lust.

One Eye- Mm.... Mmm...

Perilous came in the room to bring One eye some tea*

One Eye wakes up and looks.

One Eye- Hm ?

Perilous: I got you some tea.

One Eye sighed in relief and gently took it.

One Eye- Thank you , dear...

She sips it as Perilous sits next to her and speaks

Perilous: Do you miss Grandpa?

One Eye- Of course I do. I love him so much.... I'd do anything to be with him again.

Perilous sniffs: I smell an intruder.

One Eye- Huh ?

One Eye looked around as well as Perilous until a dart hit his neck

Perilous: Ah!

Agathia: Master!

One Eye- Perilous !

Then a small net traps Agathia

Agathia: Angela! Jasper! Sunny! Coral! Help!

One Eye ran over to Agathia to set her Free until a familiar paw cover her mouth making her stop in fear

Angela came in: Paca?

She froze and gasp as she sees at the window is the same blue hooded figure carrying the tied up One Eye , her mouth tied with a white cloth and her hams tied behind her back , the figure smirked Silly and took his hood off , revealing to be Sanders

One Eye is shocked*

One eye- Mmph ?!

Sanders: I'm back, and I'm here to claim you my love.

Angela angry: Paca!! Prism prism, jewel flash! *as she turned into a motorcycle*

Sanders smirked as she charged at him before he dropped a blue smoke bomb covering them in thick blue smoke making them cough as Agathia finally gotten free before the fog died down and they gasped.

Agathia- Oh no ! Angela you gotta find the Weaselings , I need to wake up Perilous !

Angela- Paca !

She then drove off. 

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