Xandred reunited with One eye

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In Sanders lair...

One Eye struggles as she has a chain on her neck which is hooked to the bed and tries to free herself

Sanders came in*

One Eye looked

Sanders: I finally have you...

One Eye-( Glares ) Then why tried to kill me when I was a normal weasel in my past life ? How did you even know I would be in Dark Town ?

Sanders: I have a feeling you might be here

He gets on the bed and towers over ger as One Eye looks

Sanders: Now let's have some fun...

Before he could touch her, a magic blast hit his face*

One Eye- Huh ?

Malikai: Touch our grandma, and your dead meat!

They looked

One Eye- Malikai ?!

The rest of the weaselings came in with Steeleto*

Sanders- Who are you little punks ?!

Tops: We're the weaselings!

Arabella- Let our grandma go !

One Eye looks

Sanders: Or else what?

Steeleto spins fast and beats him up*

One Eye watches as Malikai spots the staff in the case

Malikai: There's the staff!

Malikai snuck over and takes it.

Sanders- What ?! No ! My staff ! Give that back!

One Eye tries to free herself

Jason breaks the ropes and frees One eye*

One Eye- Thank you , Jason.

Jason: No problem grandma.

They look and see Sanders beaten as Steele to holds him still

Malikai: Well looks like we're taking our leave, but I better not see you get near Grandma ever again.

Sanders growled angrily as they watch him leave with his staff and his supposed mate.

Sanders- This isn't the last you'll see of me... I will get that woman if that's the last thing I do !

Back with Xandred....

He was so furious hearing Sanders had returned and realized this was all a trap. He weakened Xandred so he couldn't be near One Eye when he kidnaps her again !

Steeleto: Master Xandred we're back, and they brought someone you know.

Xandred looked and froze as he sees One Eye or Stacey holding Sanders staff s she looks at him

Xandred: One eye... You are alive...

One Eye- Of course I am....

Xandred hugs her*

One Eye- Oh !

One eye is very shocked but she tears up and happily hugs him back

Xandred: I miss you so much....

One Eye- I missed you too..... Ever since you were trapped , I haven't been the same since... When I tried to reach you when you got free you disappeared.... It's been so lonely without you.....

Xandred: Same here.

Tops glares: When we bring you back to normal you owe us lots of presents you missed over the years.

Arabella- Tops !

One Eye glares.

One Eye- You watch your mouth. It WAS NOT his fault !

Xandred: It's okay, cause I see you kids didn't unlock your Nilok form yet, that will be my gift for all of you.

Tops: Works for me.

One Eye- I still feel so bad.... You never got yo see your children be born or grow up and had families of their own like I did....

Xandred: I know...

She snuggles hm.

One Eye- Not a day went by without me thinking about you... I missed hearing your voice , I missed feeling your arms around me.. I missed you kissing and hugging me....

Xandred: I know my love....

She looks at him

Malikai: Okay sibs, let's use the staff and our wands

They backed away and started to activate and use the staff and wands

Xandred glows*

One Eye and the others watch

Then Xandred stops glowing*

Xandred: I feel much better.

One Eye smiled happily went over and kisses her long lost husband.

Xandred kisses her back*

Weaselings- Awwwwwwwww !

The two snuggle each other.

With Void....

He watches his kids train with Icthior while Vexa smirks flirty as she watches her sexy lover training

Void smiles*

Vexa-( To Ichthior) yoo hoo~

Ichthior looks*

Hazel watches her cousins train*

Vexa has an idea . She first smirks flirty and gives him a seductive look as she waved

Ichthior: Ooh la la...

Vexa- Hey Daddy can I go train with Icthior ?~

Void: Sure sweetie.

Vexa giggles as her plan is in action and went over to Icthior

Ichthior still trains*

Vexa- Hey handsome ~

Ichthior looks: Hey baby.

She smirks and went around him as her tail traces him

Vexa- You are so fierce and handsome~

Ichthior: Oh yes....

Vexa- You are very hot when you play dirty or aggressive ~

Ichthior purrs*

Vexa- To me you are the hottest out of all the Power Ranger villains~

Ichthior: Oh yeah....

Vexa- if you want

She Whispers in his ear

Ichthior blushes*

Vexa giggled as Dark Cloud growled with jealously. Void smiled and sees Darkness snuggling Lightness who is now 8 months pregnant. 

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