Meet Red's father

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With the kids and rainbow friends...

Scott: I don't see Red anywhere.

Maisie looks behind the blocks: There he is.

Yellow- He is acting different

Red is blue and he is drooling*

Snips: Ew.

Pink- Hey Blue drooled too ! So don't go there shorty !

Snips: Sorry.

Red: Oh, you must be the brats.

He sees Pink and drools more

Red: Well hello Pink.

Pink blushes red and sassily looked away.

Pink- You too. Blue is not your color.

He went over to her

Red: Do you love me like this?

Pink blushes .

Pink- Maybe...... You are kinda cute like this~

Maisie: Okay Red, how did change the rainbow friends colors?!

Red: 5 hours ago I escaped from my cell and went in my lab to do some experiments, when I finished my new machine, some of the rainbow friends tried to stop me but I flipped the switch and it changed our colors.

Green- And I'm kinda happy about that !

Orange- Well I'm not !

Pink- Yeah ! And I don't think I look good in yellow , Red !

He chuckles at her softly

Unaware a mysterious invisible force with heat vision watches them

Maisie: Well whatever you did you need to fix this.

Red: What if I don't?

Maisie: You got two choices, one you can face the wrath of my guardian Monty, or Jenny can beat the hell out of you.

Jenny threateningly showed her knuckle brasses making him nervous

Red- Alright. And if I do ?

Blue- We'll think about not experimenting on you.

Red- Very well.

Maisie high fives Jenny*

Jenny smiled and high fives her back

Pink heard something

Pink- huh?

Tito: What is that?

Pink- Huh ?

The figure sees Pink and smirks as he drools.

Pink- Its sounds like it's coming from...

Orange: Where?

Pink walked over to where the boulders at and heard deep growling as it smirks

Wither: What is that?

Pink looks

A black rainbow friend bull came out roaring*

The kids yelled in shock. All the Rainbow Friends gasped in shock as they remembered him. Especially Red. Black looks at Pink and smirks.

Pink- No , not you ! Not now !

Tito: Hey back off senor! *Sprayed pepper spray in his eyes*

Black yells

Red- Go ! Run run !

They started running

Jenny- What is that ?!

Blue- That's Black ! He tried to destroy Purple, Orange and Green !

Tito- How do you know him ?!

Red looked away and sighed.

Blue- Tell them Red.

Red- He.... He's my father

They gasped*

Muskrat: NOOOOOOO!

Red and the others looked at him deadpanned.

Pink- Bruh. Ya gonna let him explain Young Skywalker ?

Muskrat: Sorry I love star wars, continue.

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