For 1212hannah_

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Levi is taking you for a stroll around NYC. You both are walking around. Nothing could ruin the moment. For now. You reach the front of the hotel where you just needed to hang for a few minutes. After all that walking you're abit exhausted you know. Fans came up to Levi and You for photos. You didn't mind. Levi kind of did but you let him know it was okay. After taking abunch of photos with fans they begin to ask questions. You walk over to Levi and he wraps his arms around your waist. "Levi are you going to marry her!?" a fan asks. "Who knows!? Maybe" he replies. You stand there smiling. "Levi, she's beautiful. I'm jealous of you Levi!" another fan says. "That's actually very sweet of you to say" Levi replies. "Hannah. Is Levi a good boyfriend!?" someone asks. "The best. I love him very very much. He's protective, loving and kind. And Hilarious. Not to mention cuddly" you say smiling. Levi is smiling back at you. "Levi. Is Hannah your Princess!? Have you finally found your princess!?" another fan asks. "I think I have yes. She is my Princess and I'd do anything to save her and protect her." All of the fans say "Awww!" You and Levi smile at each other. Levi pulls you in for a bear hug. Fans are stepping back giving you space and snapping pictures. "I love you my Princess" Levi tells you. "I love you too my Prince" you say back. You and Levi look at each other lovingly and give each other a kiss. Fans are snapping pictures and taking videos. While you and Levi were kissing, all the boys walked out and squirted you both with water guns and water balloons. Your mouth drops and fan laugh and definitely film this. "Boys!" Levi says. "You ruined my moment!". "Thats why you get a room!" Drew says. Levi is running after the him while he is still shooting him with the water gun. Nate and Austin are standing beside you. Some fans chased off to see them, others stayed. The fans that stayed, one said. Hannah, I really hope Levi proposes to you. You make him happy. And that makes most of us happy". You smiled and decided to hug the fan. You wave bye as you walk in with Nate and Austin and decide to wait for Levi and Drew inside.

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