For CourtyB329

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Levi was your boyfriend of 8 months now; he was sweet, adorable, funny, and so cute! One thing you hated was scary movies, so Levi thought it would be a good idea for you to face your fears and watch a scary movie.
You, Levi, and some of your friends were currently in Levi's basement picking out which scary movie you wanted to watch. You guys finally decided on "House at the end of the street" because of the flawless Jenifer Lawrence.
You were cuddled up to Levi while you listened to his steady heartbeat. The heat coming of his body made you melt inside. Even though you were terrified to watch this movie Levi made you feel safe, like nothing bad was going to happen.
You were 30 minutes into the movie and it was starting to get freaky, you were trying to be brave. Things started to pop up on the screen and people were screaming and there was blood everywhere. Your body tensed up and your eyes met Levi's.
"Courty are you scared" Levi whispered to you.
"No im fine I promise it's just a movie" you whispered back to him
Levi smiled to himself because how brave you were being and continued with the movie. Just then the creepy devil girl popped up with the knife and you screamed so loud and started to cry yes you were a crybaby when it came to stuff like this and you hated that about yourself. You dug yourself deep into Levi's shoulders and held your ears closed so you couldn't see or hear anything for the rest of the movie.

When the movie was over and everybody left you and Levi sat on the couch together. You were so mad at yourself that you couldn't handle the stupid movie.
"Im sorry Levi I know its stupid of me to be a grown girl and still be afraid of a scary movie" you quietly said to Levi
His face dropped into a frown when he heard those words.
"Courty, it's okay that your afraid, I think it's adorable. Don't ever be mad at yourself or ever think I would be mad at you for something silly like that. I love you so much and ill always be here to protect you" Levi responded.
You smiled at Levi and hugged him so tight; he hugged you back even tighter. When you pulled away from his chest you placed a soft kiss to his lips and smiled into the perfect blue eyes of Levi Jones.

Levi Jones Imagines (The Tide)Where stories live. Discover now