for narry_stylinson123

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hii, you didn't give me a name! But I hope you enjoy it!
Y/N - your name

"Give them back Y/N!" Levi called after you as he began to chase you around the living room.
"Never!!!" You called back, gripping onto the stolen cookie tightly as you jumped over a knocked down chair.
You managed to grab another cookie out of the box as you were running, placing it in your mouth quickly, trying not to choke as you ran.
"Nooo, not my cookies!!" Levi yelled after you, causing you to laugh loudly, causing crumbs to spill out of your mouth and into the air.
"Look, you're wasting them!" Levi complained, making you laugh even harder.
You turned around, expecting to see a defeated look on Levi's face chasing behind you, but instead you were met with just empty air. You stopped in your tracks confused for a moment. You turned around just in time to see a flash of brown hair come flying towards you, landing on top of you, sending you both crashing to the floor with a loud oof!
"Levi!" You screamed, hitting him in his solid chest with your fist.
"You gonna give me my cookies back, princess?" Levi asked, a smirk upon his pretty face.
"Nope!" You laughed, quickly swallowing another cookies, watching the horror appear on Levi's face.
"Well you've left me with no other choice then," He smirked.
You were confused for a second, what was that American boy thinking about, no good probably! Your questions were answered in the next moment, when Levi stretched out his long fingers and the horror of what he was going to do dawned upon you.
"Nooo!!!" You screamed, just as Levi began tickling your ultra ticklish sides!
You couldn't help your self as you screamed and laughed, stuck in place by Levi's body weight, forced to endure his torture.
"You gonna give me back my cookies yet?"
"Never!!!!" You were determined to not give up as you writhed on the floor in fits of painful laughter.
You looked up at Levi, finding his beautiful blue eyes and face much closer to yours than before. You couldn't help but flit your eyes to look at Levi's pink lips, curved up into his famous smile that you loved. You looked back up, blushing slightly after realising that Levi knew what you were looking at.
You could feel Levi's hand starting to slow down gradually, as his face moved closer to yours. Your laughing subsided as your breathe became stuck in your throat, noticing just how close his lips were to yours.
Levi was always your best friend, but in this moment, there was nothing more that you wanted to do then feel his soft lips moving simultaneously against your own.
You hadn't noticed Levi's hands becoming completely still, staying in place, gripping your sides softly. You looked directly into Levi's eyes, watching the blue becoming even brighter as he lowered his face down.
Suddenly it felt like your body, that was once empty, was fulfilled and on fire, as you closed your eyes and came in contact with his lips. His lips mouldered against yours perfectly, as though they were designed to be together like this. There were fireworks, no, nuclear bombs going off in your head as your kiss deepened and the passion soared. Levi's hands gently stroked your sides as you bought your hands to his hair, gripping onto his brown locks.
You were both so completely caught up in the fire of the moment that neither of you noticed the time that went by or any part of the world around them, they only belonged to each others lips and bodies.
It wasn't that you ran out of air and was in desperate need of a breathe, that you pulled away.
"Wow," Levi whispered, his accent shining through.
You just smiled and nodded in agreement, not trusting your voice to work.
You lean over, placing another soft kiss upon his lips before whispering in his ear, "I won."

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