An Interesting Story

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You sit alone on a bench in the courtyard. The night air is warm and breezy, blowing your hair out of your face. You tilt your head up to the sky, looking to find a pattern in the stars, failing to do so, you look back to the tree in front of you.

Normally you wouldn't be alone, maybe a friend or two beside you, but lately you've felt yourself distancing yourself from them. It's not because you don't love them, they're your world, but it's becoming harder to listen to their stories and about their day knowing you have nothing in comparison. Every time you get into bed you struggle to think of anything other than how pathetic your life is. 

For fuck's sake, how can someone have such a pathetic life at a magic school?

You shuffle your feet, making patterns in the dirt until you hear a loud group of people coming around the corner. You debate on going back in, before deciding that it's pointless, they won't give two shits anyways.

The wind picks up again, bringing the smell of smokey musk, vanilla and book pages. Your heart skips a beat at the smell- it's Tom Riddle. He comes into your vision, surrounded by his friends.

He's always been very intimidating, lurking behind what seems everyone corner. He's head boy and in his final year at Hogwarts, but he looks quite a bit older. You stare at him trying to figure out if he could pass for 20, maybe 25?

He catches your eye, a cocky expression crossing his face. You look down at the pattern enfolding in the dirt, were you being creepy? Most likely, you have no idea how to have proper human interactions.

Footsteps come closer, stepping on crisp leaves and twigs. You recognize those footsteps well, you hear them almost everywhere.

"Hello," he says, his voice deep and raspy. 

Not only were you bad at socializing, but you were failing potions. He tutored you a few times right before a test, in a group setting of course you weren't that lucky, and you were always awe-stricken by how perfect his voice sounded.

You clear your throat, looking up into Tom's dark eyes, "hello."

There's an awkward silence and you think he might leave, but instead, he takes the time to sit right next to you. You freeze, not knowing how to react. This must be a joke his friends put him up to when they saw you staring.

The smell of vanilla is much stronger now and you discretely inhale the delicious scent.

"You're Y/N, right?" He asks, a smile touching the corners of his mouth.

"Mhm, you're Tom?" You ask, inwardly cringing at how you're pretending to barely know him. 

"Why are you alone?" 

Your eyes widen, startled at the direct question. "Well- why not? Why were you with your friends?"

He laughs, looking at his clasped hands in his lap. You can't help but notice the shiny black jewel on his middle finger. "They're not my friends."

"Oh," you respond, uncomfortable with the way he responded. Was he always this mean? "Then why do you hang out with them?"

"It's a matter of respect," he responds quickly, "they don't like my personality but they like my ideas and wisdom."

You can't help at scoff at how arrogant he's being. He looks at you again, his mouth slightly open.

"You clearly find that idea ridiculous. Tell me, why do you like me?" 

You stand up out of instinct, taking in the sight of the egotistical boy. He was never like this in class, why now? More importantly, which way is he really like?

"I don't know you," you say, your voice hardening as you try to keep from snapping.

"Then why stare?" The innocent question sounds so much more sinister coming out of his angelic lips.

"Because you look old." you respond, crossing your arms to wait for his retort.

Instead, he smirks and stands, grabbing on to your chin and pulling you closer. You try to pull away but he grabs your hip with his free hand to hold you in place. Your breath hitches, your body reacting the opposite of your mind.

"That's why I like you. Your sense of humor."

He walks away, leaving you with a mouth a gap and numerous insults you want to throw at him. At least you have something to tell your friends.

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