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TW: This is a student x teacher romance/smut and, in real life, I absolutely do not condone this(as it is against the law). If this makes anyone uncomfy feel free to skip, and/or reach out to me or a professional if you need to talk. 

On a lighter note: Thank you for being here for your little dose of Tom Riddle therapy ❤️ This is a rec from the lovely TomandMattheoswh0re. I aged both up; Y/N being 18 (legal age of consent in the U.S.) and Tom being 21 (if that's alright) I can totally change it to whatever, whenever. 


Professor Riddle began teaching this year at the age of 21. 21 fucking years old. 

I mean he must've cursed Dumbledore to get in here so young. The headmaster only accepts the brightest of the bright and, to fit in that category, they are usually over the age of 30. But Professor Riddle, he strutted into the DADA classroom first day of 7th year and begun teaching. 

It took me a good few days to actually start paying attention in his lessons. Every time I would sit down at that splintery wooden desk and attempt to focus he'd walk right into my line of sight and begin distracting me with his young attractiveness.

When I told my best friend Lindsay about my concerns of Dumbledore hiring such a young, most likely unqualified, teacher, she just laughed. "You're being ridiculous all because you find him hot. Honestly, he's a fine teacher, better than that actually, he's superb. No wonder he was one of Dumbledore's favorites."

I gritted my teeth but kept my mouth shut every day since that day in September. Now it's December and I'm about to burst into flames. He must've found out about my little comment because he's been making my grade drop immensely these past few months. N.E.W.T.S are just around the corner and I'm almost certain I'll get a P or a D at most. 

I crinkle the paper in my hand, staring daggers into Professor Riddle who's half-way through a speech on the effects of Bombarda Maxima. He catches my eye but doesn't let his gaze linger for more than a second. I scowl. 

A small cough from beside me makes my head snap that direction, into the eyes of Trevor Mills. Trevor is known for being gifted, something I desperately wish I was. I shoot him a small smile before attempting to un-crinkle my paper and see what I did wrong. My eyes despairingly look across the page and I hear Trevor cough again.

I look up and he smiles. he has dimples, huh, I never noticed that.

"I can help if you'd like," he whispers, his thick Romanian accent shining through brilliantly.

I hastily nod, "yes, please, I'm so lost."

I scoot my bench closer to Trevor, the sound extremely loud in the near-quiet classroom and Professor Tom turns to me, his eyebrows pinched with irritation.

"Miss L/N, this isn't the time to be a distraction," His voice is low, almost like he's trying to prevent others from hearing. I clench my jaw, giving a fake smile before he begins teaching again. 

Once he turns away, I turn my attention back to the dimpled boy next to me. "He doesn't like me very much so ignore him. So, what exactly am I doing wrong?"

Trevor's eyes flip to Tom but after a few moments he looks back at me and sends me a warm smile. He has such adorable dimples.

He scans my paper, his finger dragging down the center as he reads. I stare at them, letting myself get distracted. He is a good looking boy with sandy blonde hair and a straight, pearly smile. However his awkwardness is definitely a boulder we'll need to get passed.

His hand drops, grazing my thigh. I widen my eyes at the sudden, accidental contact and his face turns beat red. 

"I'm so sorry." He pulls his hand back but I stop him, lacing my fingers in his.

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