Restricted Section

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All I want to do was fuck him.

It's a blunt statement but he engrosses me to the point of insanity. His neat dark hair and sharp jaw are what I see from afar but I long to see him up close. To watch his eyes scan me over, setting my nerves on fire by just his gaze. How I-

"You're off in delusion land again," My best friend, Miya says, hitting me over the head with a textbook.

With a grunt I flinch forward, covering the spot she hit with my hands. "That was too thick a book."

She leans back in the chair, putting her feet on the small table. "You were getting immune to the smaller ones. And you deserved it because you were about to chew on your quill."

I scoff, placing my quill, which was dangerously close to my mouth, on the table. "I was not."

She looks at my quill, shrugging. "Whatever you want to believe." She wiggles her eyebrows. "Tom Riddle again?"

I lean forward, putting my finger to my lips and scolding her, "Hush. He could be nearby."

Miya's face goes stoic as she responds, "You're obsessed. Does he even know who you are?"

I rub the back of my head, hoping to find a small bump to make her feel any sort of guilt. Nothing. I sigh, "Whatever. Just- get back to studying."

 I look at my parchment in front of me. My scrawled handwriting is almost eligible, but nevertheless quite pretty. I lean back into the uncomfortable chair. I hate doing work. Miya eyes me from the top of the book, her face riddled with contemplation. I pretend I don't see her, lowering my eyes back to my paper. Seconds pass before...

"Alright, find me a book on invisibility," Miya sighs, shutting the book in her hand and sliding it over on the table. "And put this away while you're at it."

I take the book gratefully, hastily standing up and smoothing out my blouse. "Love you, Miya. I'll be back in a few."

Miya just snorts, fishing parchment from her bag. I turn, half skipping toward the rest of the library. The good news about invisibility books is that they're invisible and I can take as much time as I needed and still come back empty handed. In other words, Miya didn't actually need a book, she just gave me a break.

I slow down my speed as I wander through the library. It's very pretty as sunlight floods through the windows, painting bookshelves with a glow. If I like closely, I can see dust particles floating in the light, but that kind of comes with the library. It's huge, bookshelves lining every waking space. 

I look down at the brown-covered book in my hand: Dark Arts: A Summary. I raise my eyebrow, my interest slightly sparked. I may have to take a peak at what Miya's writing her essay on. I'm not sure how I got so fascinated with the dark arts. It just sort of came up once and never went away. it's always been a silent fascination, of course. if anyone knew I'd surely be looked down upon.

I bite my lip as I look up, facing the door to the restricted section. I could easily get in if it's to return a book, then again, the librarian may take the book and turn it in herself. Ugh, how I'd kill to take a peak at the books in there. 

"Do you need to get in?" 

Startled, I gasp, spinning around. Tom Riddle's eyes search my face, a twinge of a smile touching his lips. I look down, begging my feelings to not show on my face.

"Um..." Shit I'm swallowing my voice. I clear my throat. "If it's not trouble to you, I'd appreciate it."

"Just look me in the eyes and say please." Sarcasm drips from his throat and I pinch my lips together. Maybe he isn't as special as I've imagined.

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