Gentleman(Part 3)

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based off of the creative genius hufflepuff_flower_19 (love u bae 😘)


We haven't spoken in months. he hasn't even tried to reach out and I'm sure as hell not about to.

I can't tell if this is an ignoring game or he truly doesn't care for me anymore. I've told myself it doesn't matter, that the only reason I fucked him was so he'd leave me alone. I can't tell if I believe that anymore though. 

I've been able to focus on my studies a lot more now. The past few mathematics exams I've gotten 100% on and I truly feel that I can match up with Tom Riddle during the final semester. Obviously not valedictorian level but good enough. 

Every time to word pops into my head my blood boils. How much of a dick do you have to be to know how badly someone wants something and rub it in their face knowing you did nothing to deserve it? You have to be Tom Riddle. He's that level of dick.

The good news that's been able to distract me from Tom has been Marcus Blake. He transferred in last week and he seems to have a taken a liking to me. He's glowed up for sure. He has curly, light brown hair that covers his formerly pimply forehead and his blue eyes glow from behind his glasses which now shape his face nicely. His jawline is chiseled now and, from looking at his clothes, his body must look very similar.

When I first saw him we made friendly conversation. We were lab partners in middle school so it wasn't a surprise and I didn't think much of it. Besides, I still thought is type was ditzy girls. However, when one of Tom's "followers" asked him to sit with the group at lunch, specifically her, he declined and said he already had plans.

My feelings for him have slightly resurfaced, I can't deny it, but can you blame me? I've been treated like shit and ignored by Tom for the past month so it's refreshing to start falling for someone who will treat me like a human-being and not some fuck-toy. 

But, as expected, I can't get Tom out of my head. He doesn't look at me unless I'm talking to Marcus, which only makes me more intrigued about what he's thinking. 

Overall though, I'd say things are looking up. I am finally beginning to have somewhat of a social life and, with prom coming up, I'd say I may actually go. With or without a date, I don't care.

I shut my locker door and roll my shoulders back. I swear each page in those math textbooks have an extra pound to them. I turn around and, to my disappointment, Tom stands against the lockers talking to a group of friends. 

From the snippets I can hear he sounds respectable. I turn around again, hating how he can fool everyone so easily. Hell, he even fooled me for the past 3 years. 

"Everyone can I have your attention." Marcus's voice rings through the hallway and students go quiet, taking out their phones.

I spin again, my relieved smile stiffening after I see the sign he holds. It's simple, a white poster board with big, purple, metallic letters spelling out "PROM!" I look at the girls on the other side, giggling and whispering. I lean back against the lockers exasperated. Did he really find time to talk to another girl during the week? Ugh, whatever I knew his type before so... so what? I put myself in this position.

"Y/N," he turns to me and my eyes fly open wider than I thought they could go. He smiles his charming smile and I can't help but return it. "Will you go to prom with me?"

My first reaction was saying yes but my stomach flips when I feel a pair of cold eyes glaring into my skull. My gaze shifts over to the left to see Tom. His jaw is locked and his knuckles are white from the fists he's making. My stomach flips again. He looks so hot right now.

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