Trance(Part 2)

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TW: This is a student x teacher romance/smut and, in real life, I absolutely do not condone this(as it is against the law). If this makes anyone uncomfy feel free to skip, and/or reach out to me or a professional if you need to talk. 

Here's a part two. This is the last part tho cuz for this i don't rly see their relationship going anywhere and am trying to keep this a one-shot story. Thanks for the support:)

Includes: candle wax and whipping


His name and face run through my mind on repeat.

His brown curls that gently rest across his forehead, his hungry, dark eyes that looked at me with such desire, his sharp, barely stubbled jaw. A shiver runs down my spin and I flip over on my bed, hitting my face on the pillow. 

A bead of sweat runs down my neck as I try to distract myself. I have a test tomorrow, I need to study. I sit up, turning to the clock, The time reads 1:36 a.m. Okay... not too bad. I can study and get some sleep.

I slip out of bed, my bare feet feeling the smooth, hardwood floor. My bag rests at the floor near the end of my bed and, I'm reminded of how grateful I am to have the bottom bunk. I quietly throw the bag over my shoulder before slipping into my slippers. I tiptoe to the door and leave, the room, sighing in relief as I make my way down to the common room.

The stairs creak but I don't mind it. The dorm rooms are pretty soundproof and it's hard to hear what's going on outside unless there's a party. 

The walls of the staircase are dark oak and incredulously decorated. If magic didn't exist the artist must've nearly died of exhaustion. I run my hand over the wall as I make my way down, the different patterns crossing under my skin gave me such an interesting sensation.

The common room is almost pitch black. Almost. A candle burns on a small side-table to my left. The person in the chair looks up, the whites of his eyes bright in the dim light. His gaze looks caught off-guard at first, but the glint in his eyes darkens.

"Can I help you with anything?" Professor Riddle asks, his voice clearer than ever.

I drop my gaze to the floor, shifting the leather strap against my shoulder. "The professor on night duty never usually stays this late."

I hear the sound of a book closing. "Yes, but I assumed a few students would have trouble sleeping tonight."

I look back up, my eyes widened. "I have a test soon."

The words tumble out faster than I can think them. I must've sounded pathetic, like a true child. However, Professor Riddle just tilts his head as he stands up, placing the book next to the candle. His shoes clack against the ground, the sound bringing me back to the DADA room. My throat goes dry.

"Do you need help studying?" His voice is closer than I expect, a few inches away from me. 

I nod my head, "I'd appreciate it."

The candle doesn't illuminate his actions anymore. Everything he does is hidden. So I don't see it coming when he slips his hand up my arms, pulling me towards him slowly. I inhale sharply but don't say anything in protest. This is what I want.

"Did you meet with Trevor tonight?" His hand doesn't stop dragging up and down my arms as he speaks into my ear. 

"No, I told him you were to tutor me." My voice is weak, falling into the trap he set for me once again. I relish in the feeling.

"Good girl," he murmurs against my ear, his lips lowering to my collarbone. He rests a kiss there and I tilt away, wanting more.

He does what I suggest, his lips dragging across my throat. I lean into him and his hands grip my wrists, his breathing growing heavy.

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