A Conversation for a Pub

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age gap


Six years.

Six years since you last saw him.  His smirk permanently carved on his wickedly beautiful face every time you looked over at him. He never looked at you, not once. It made sense. Not only had it been six years since you last saw him, but he was six years older.  He was your prefect as a first year and he took leading the slytherins very seriously. The poor guys had the worst of it, as he expected them to be mini versions of himself. However his leadership was always intriguing to you, even as an 11 year old. 

Being a halfblood, you should've known a little more about magic, but you never did. Your pureblood father left your muggle mother for another pureblood and she had no knowledge of what to do with a magical child. She tried her best but you were always lacking. Always missing the part of yourself your half-sister had. 


"Tom Riddle," you mutter as you spot him across the street. You can't believe you remember his name, much less his face, which has aged quite a bit. However not in the bad way most would say, but gracefully, like flower that has just bloomed. Most likely a rose, as you knew for a fact he had thorns.

His head turns slightly at the sound of your voice and you freeze, you didn't think you said it too loudly. His familiar smirk etches on to his face and you feel the goosebumps form on the back of your neck. 

You turn away, intending on walking straight into the pub nearest to you but in the corner of your eye you see him running across the street. You sigh, knowing it's too late now to run. 

The winter wind picks up, carrying the flurry of snowflakes with it.

He says your name, the words dripping from his lips like he's said it many times before. It made you wonder if he has talked about you. You throw the thought from your head, he couldn't have.

"You know my name?" The question slips out, shock still wavering your bones.

He smiles, his pearly teeth glimmering in the sunlight. "Of course. You graduated just last year if I'm correct?"

You hastily nod, "yeah, yep."

He looks you up and down, his eyes holding a particular glimmer you always wanted from him. "Are you cold? We could head to a pub and catch up?"

'Catch up? ' you think, this is the first time we've officially met. Instead of saying this though, you nod and let him lead the way into a nearby pub.

You notice his large figure. Though hidden with the scarf and coat you can easily see his frame is relatively the same, possibly better than it was at school. Six years barely changed him, however it changed you.

You matured throughout your time at Hogwarts, mentally and physically. While you were a small and chubby faced child, you grew into your features, now, even if not societally gorgeous, you were still able to turn heads with how aware of your body you were. That came after the many flings you had at Hogwarts. What you lacked in magic ability you had through your control over others. At times you wished Tom Riddle was there to see it, maybe then he would've looked at you.

He motions to a table and you sit down, swallowing as you look up at the tall boy. He takes off his scarf and jacket, his black turtle neck defining all the things you imagined only behind closed doors. You look down at the table picking up a list of drinks you will be needing.

"What have you been doing since you've graduated?" he asks, sitting down.

You lower the menu slightly, trying to look as normally focused on him as possible. The questions you would never dare ask circle through your head as he waits for an answer.

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