The Scent of Dark Magic

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The candle on my desk burns; the flickering, orange light moving crazily in the jar. The wax is a a mix between white and black, turning some areas gray. I've just finished making it and deciding It burns whenever I'm in the room. It will fill  each crevice with the musky smell of vanilla and book pages and a hint of dark magic. 

I dip my quill in thick, black ink, tapping it on the side of the small container before moving it to the page I'm writing on. My breathing always stills as I write, as if one wrong breath would force my quill to loop around the page and sprawl the dark substance over my previous work. 

I pause at the end of every sentence, lifting my quill off the page and taking an inhale of the sweet scent around me. My jaw clenches as I do so, wishing that the owner of this delicious scent would come up behind me.

This candle that is always burning in my room is handmade. I put every ounce of my free time in the past week attempting to discern the smells. I snuck into Slughorn's classroom twice that week- once for Amortentia supplies and once for candle making materials.

I stood in the corner of my room, capturing the scents of vanilla and book pages immediately. Those were easy to get; vanilla from a shop in Hogsmeade and book pages from an old library book. However the last scent, dark magic, took me a few days to discern. 

Dark magic is barely recognizable, even to those who've been surrounded by it for their entire life. I had to sit there for hours before recognizing it. I would shut my eyes and imagine him, what he does, how he does it... then nothing would come up. How I actually came to it was in a dream. 

My mother was one of Grindelwald's most loyal followers. That dark magic scent wafted through the manor like a light breeze, leaving everything in her wake poisoned with the scent's sweetness. I've lived with it forever and, with how unnoticeable it is, of course I missed it. That dream of her waltzing through the halls, black mist trailing behind her, was exactly what I needed. 

I never used dark magic before earlier today. Adrenaline pumped through my body all morning, goosebumps coming and going every minute. The second I got the chance I locked myself in a room with poor Reya Freeman. She was smart, unfortunately so much so that she was placed around Tom Riddle quite often. 

She was a stunning girl. Long black hair and thick lashes framing bright green eyes. Her looks weren't my issue though, many girls around Hogwarts are beautiful. The issue is that she likes Tom and is constantly around him. I hated it.

I hated the way she would gently touch his arm as she laughed and would bat her lashes whenever talking to him. I hated how when they were partnered together she would scoot her chair closer to his and gently move her knee to touch his. I hated her.

Tom's reaction was also concerning. He wouldn't play along but he also wouldn't push her away. It drove me insane the way his eyes would flash in surprise at her touch before he'd turn away and focus on the work again. Was the surprise pleasant or horrid? I wouldn't know because he didn't react. It's absurd how his nonchalance affects me.

Reya Freeman died horribly. Her body flailed on the ground for minutes, foam coming out of her mouth as her battered and bruised body repeatedly hit the floor with intense thuds. Her beautiful green eyes rolled into the back of her head, the whites of her eyes making her look a lot less pretty. A true tragedy.

Once her body stilled I didn't really care. She was still alive but her frigidness bored me. The excitement of using forbidden spells was over and the goosebumps were gone. there was one spell though. One spell that I was curious to use. Curious to see what happened when used.

Once the words left my mouth and the green light hit her a rush ran through my body. Like a surge of power hit me and I was invincible. She died suddenly, without a sound. I gasped in delight at the sight of her. Dead. No longer killing me with her flirtatious actions. It was the best thing I've ever seen.

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