Gentleman (Part 2)

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per request from  TomandMattheoswh0re (thanks sm I love knowing what u guys want me to write)


The second the bell rings students bolt out of their seats, their bags pre-packed. I take my time, not wanting to be anywhere near the group of people surrounding Tom.

I've been avoiding him for the past week and, now at lunch block on Friday, I can finally start putting Tom out of my mind for the weekend. I impatiently wait at my desk, slowly moving my binders into my bag.

I sit in this classroom to eat lunch. It sounds pathetic, I know, but my only friend, Zee sometimes joins me. Recently, she's been eating with her boyfriend and, today being one of those days, I have the classroom to myself. The teacher of this classrooms always leaves right after classes. It's convenient for me so I don't say anything.

I zip up my bag, only a small group of 4 sitting around Tom's desk. he's 3 rows up and has his back towards me. his friends keep side-eyeing me but, other than that, none of them acknowledge me.

Tom tried talking to me on Monday but I ignored him. Since then, he hasn't even looked at me. He really was just like everybody else, including the ability to get embarrassed for even trying to get with me. A part of me knew I should be embarrassed, though. I came on to him, yes as a ploy to get my journal back but, once I had the chance to grab it and kick him out, I let him pull me closer and slip his hand under my shirt. I shiver at the memory, not focusing on why.

I wait a few seconds, pulling out my phone and pretending to text someone. They never usually stayed this late. they usually were out my the second ring of the bell. But Tom hasn't stood up and, while his friends keep urging him, he doesn't budge. So I guess this isn't usually.

"You guys go ahead, I got to pack up my stuff," Tom says, the charm in his voice so strong I could vomit.

The group goes silent before one girl, her voice so irritatingly high, speaks up, "are you sure? We can wait."

Tom moves his head slightly and I'm scared he's going to look at me. He doesn't stopping his gaze at the girl. My stomach twists and her response: baiting eyelashes and a lip bite. Yes it was uncomfortable, not only because it was painfully obvious she was falling for him, but that I probably looked at him the same way last week. I feel like vomiting again.

"No, go ahead. The lunch line gets long fast."

The group says their goodbyes and leave, the door closing just loud enough for me to feel even more aware the two of us are in this room, alone. I usually like this room because of the privacy, meaning no windows. Now I hate it.

I keep my eyes glued to my phone not daring to look up, even when I hear his chair loudly scrape against the ground as he stands. His footsteps are slow, dragging in the still air as he makes his way over. I swallow when the footsteps stop. The mindless swiping of my phone not enough to distract me.

"We haven't spoken in a little while," he says, his voice smooth like butter.

I don't look up. "Yeah. It was intentional."

His smirk is almost audible as he grabs my phone out of my hands. I stand up, my chair falling to the floor with a clatter. The first thing I see are his fiery eyes. They seem intrigued at my sudden movements, but the relief is also visible. My mouth falls open softly, I didn't expect that to even be remotely obvious if it was true. 

He quickly fixes his expression, my phone now being flipped between his hands. Not this again...

"What do you want from me? What do I have to do?" I demand, crossing my arms.

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