Warren (Part 2)

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You didn't try to meet up with Tom again for the next few days and he never made an attempt either. He was obviously cautious now, avoiding you at every possible corner. You were able to follow him much more obviously now as well, not having to wait for him to walk through an archway or keep your thoughts hidden. In most ways, you both were gaining nothing. You, however, have the element of fear. He will always have the doubt in his head that you're not showing him everything you're thinking. It doesn't matter what him or you do now, you have a guaranteed win now.

The weekend comes fast, days and nights passing like a strong breeze. You sit atop the astronomy tower, looking at the fading sky. Purple and navy streak the orange sky, and you can spot a twinkle here and there. Nights like these aren't paid enough attention to, school work always in the way of a deep breath of dusk air.

A creak comes from behind and, after pausing for a moment and hearing nothing, you ignore it. Your mind has been on high alert, even though you'll never admit it. Tom Riddle has always had such a spotless reputation and the fear that he'd do anything to keep you quite haunts you. His power has limits but you don't know what they are and, that risk... it may cost you your life.

Another creak echoes through the silent tower and you turn, the familiar shadowy figure hidden in the stairwell.

"About time you came to confront me," you swallow, letting go of your thoughts of fear and the sky.

He hesitates before walking the rest of the way up the stairs, the creaky old steps stiffening the silent tension. He gets the the top and stops, his hands flexing at his sides. 


The sound of your last names dries your throat and you are suddenly desperate for a drink of water. You've heard him in class and, as much as you hated it, you wish he'd address you directly. You don't know why you got a kick out of it but the way your last name rolled off his tongue sent the hairs on the back of your neck up.

Control your thoughts, you hiss at yourself. He will most definitely use it against you.

He steps forward and you stand, backing yourself against the railing. He stops, picking up at your surprise.

"I want to apologize," he clears his throat, "for the death of your sister."

You shake your head, licking your teeth in disgust, "If you're so sorry bring her back."

"You know I can't do that, Warren." His voice his deep, no hint of remorse but a hint of something else you don't want to think about. Something you know if you thought about you'd be wrapped up in.

"I remember your thoughts a year or so ago," He whispers, keeping his tone the same, "You thought about me a lot."

"A lapse of judgment I suppose." you shrug, attempting to throw off the guilt as well but the weight remains. This isn't the approach you thought he'd take.

He takes another step towards you and, if he put his arms out, he'd be able to touch you. Too close... but you can't move. Actually you can but you won't.

"Out of all the people who have taken an interest to me your thoughts were my favorite," the starlight makes his white teeth glow in his sickeningly gorgeous smile, sending another round of shivers down your spine.

"Stop it, Riddle." You break your gaze away from his face, looking at the stairs. "I need to head back to the-"

He takes the opportunity to trap you against the railing, his hands gripping the wood as yours instinctively grab behind you to support yourself. Unfortunately yours land on top of his cold skin. You gasp, doing everything in your power to avoid eye contact.

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