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Muggle AU

First Person


Tom Riddle was a gentleman. Plain and simple. He could take anyone by the hand, shoot them a smile, and he'd be able to whisk them away without complaints. However, that doesn't mean he's without faults.

Professors all loved him, his brain nearly as big as his ego. He would sit in the front of the class and ask detailed questions with his eyes glazed over. It was irritating at first. I would try my best to always  keep my grades up to par but he could do it all while thinking of having his cock sucked. 

After a year or two though, I could care less. Sure, there will always be a part of me that wants the natural talent he possesses but the logical part of me knows I should be happy for what I have. I'm in all his classes so that must be something. 

However, this year has been different from the rest. This year he looked me in the eyes and talked to me, and not for some silly group project. I understood I might seem easy, always focused on my studies and wanting to be the best. But usually I'm not. Many guys have tried but they were easy to shut down. 

I hold my standard in guys to the same standard I hold myself to: good grades, bright future, decent face, and a respectful.

The guys who hit on me were furthest from that. I mean it made sense as to hit on an "easy" girl you'd already knock down "respectful". 

Now I'm making it sound as if I've never had a crush before. I have. Marcus Blake in 8th grade. He sat next to me in biology and checked off every box. He didn't like me, his type was the ditzy type. Nothing wrong with that but not me. I watched from a distance until we graduating middle school, forgetting all about my silly little crush as soon as July hit. 

Tom, as much as he fits my little boxes, is the exact opposite of Marcus. Marcus was a timid boy, with wide-rimmed glasses and an awkward smile. Tom is almost a class clown of sorts, except he knows when to stop to remain the favorite. He's grown into his features and his smile gleams in the terrible school light.

So when Tom started talking to me, I had doubts. I admired him beforehand and was expecting to be disappointed. I waited a day or two. Waiting for the dick pic or to be asked for nudes. But after that didn't come, I dreaded how he would attempt to actually get me to have sex with him. Only one guy has ever made it that far and i wouldn't dare make that mistake again.

When Tom asked to hang out I made up an excuse(that might have well been true as she was decorating for a party, however my help wasn't necessary). "My mom needs help decorating for a party." Then, him being the gentleman, offered to come over and help. I said no, but he insisted, saying he wouldn't mind at all and has nothing to do all afternoon.

I knew he was lying. Tom is super popular and I know he gets invited to all sorts of stuff. He definitely had much better things to do on a Saturday afternoon than help decorate for my mom's friend's birthday party. Yet he insisted to come. So, with a dramatic sigh, I gave him the address and waited.

So now here I am, opening the door to the handsome, gentleman called Tom Riddle.

My mom smiles when she sees him. She's midway through getting the streamers from out of the closet and they're about to tumble out of her hands and on to the floor. 

"Nice to meet you, Tom. I'd shake your hand but unfortunately I have my hands full." She laughs, throwing her head back slightly.

Tom politely laughs, his toothy grin bringing butterflies to my stomach. What were his intentions? "Nice to meet you as well, Mrs. L/N. If there is anything specific I should do just let me know but I trust Y/N will show me the ropes?"

Tom Riddle One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now