Gentleman(Part 4)

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since a few of u want another part so here is Marcus getting closure. This is short so I'm sorry. OKAY I THINK THIS IS THE LAST PART FR FR.


Tom and I walk out of the classroom hand in hand. I sucked in a breath at the cameras and people around. Was this what it was like to be a celebrity? 

I lower my head to the ground and Tom whispers, "Relax, no one will care in a few days."

I try but I've always been pretty average in popularity. Sure people knew who i was but they never cared. This, this is going to change a lot.

I look up, releasing the breath as I look through the crowd. My eyes immediately drift to the familiar face of Marcus. His face is sunken, his disappointment throwing a knife at me and spilling guilt from the wound.

"Tom, I need to talk to Marcus." My voice is shaky and small and Tom tightens his grip on my hand.

"I'll give you ten minutes. That's it." He sounds stern but I can hear the hint of worry.

"I'll meet you in class," I give him a quick hand-squeeze and scurry off into the crowded hallways. 

A few people turn my way but the majority ignore me. Marcus stands still, standing against the lockers. I stop a few feet away from him, swaying back and forth on my feet.

"Can we talk? I owe you an explanation." My eyes fall to the ground, shame creeping up my back and resting on my shoulders like boulders.

"Sure," he says, "let's do it here, I doubt it'll be long."

I look at the lessening crowd and sigh, he's right, there isn't much to it.

"You didn't deserve the public embarrassment. And, truth be told, if Tom didn't... you know, I would've said yes." Red splotches my cheeks and all over again I feel like I'm in eighth grade.

"I kinda got that. That's why he kissed you," he laughs but it's more painful than he must've wanted. "I was too late."

"A couple years, yeah," I admit, embarrassed.

He scrunches his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I liked you all of eighth grade..." his eyes widen and I giggle, "what? You didn't know?"

"Shit, I was so late." 

We both laugh before silence settles between us. I have no clue what to do, I've turned down guys but they were all douche-bags, Marcus is super sweet and I have no idea how to handle this.

"Are we okay?" I cringe at my own words but even more so at the fact that I stuck my hand out.

He nods, pressing his lips together to form some-what of a smile. He shakes my hand, his firm handshake slightly startling me. "Of course. I'd rather find out now then at prom so... bye?"

"Bye," I respond awkwardly before he takes off.

I stare at him for a few moments before shaking the entire interaction off. It felt so... ugh I'll just say I never want to relive that. 

I go the opposite way, needing to pick my backup up before heading the class. When I turn to corner I nearly bump into Tom who's leaning against the wall. he looks incredibly amused.

"You shook his hand?"

I scoff, knocking his shoulder as I pass. "You said you'd be in class."

"I got curious," he catches up to me grabbing my hand. "Here, to cover up his smell."

"Now you're just being mean. He's very nice, you're just jealous that he touched me." A smile hints at my lips as he begins to swing our hands back and forth.

"And what if I am jealous?" He pouts and I fake a gag. 

"You shouldn't be. he's not the one who had his face between my legs half an hour ago," I shoot him a smile and am immediately pressed up against the lockers. 

I inhale sharply, biting my lip instinctively. Our connected hands are above my head and he uses the other one to lightly brush against my lips. His eyes follow them ravenously as if he's been starved.

"I'll gladly do it again. Right here, right now." With only a second to pause he connects our lips, the hunger he feels being given to me through the kiss. 

I use my free hand to push him away with my last bit of mental strength I had. Believe me, it was a hard decision. 

He smiles, pulling me with him. "get your books, darling, we're gonna be late."

He kisses the top of my head before walking ahead of me. When he turns to corner I spin around, silently letting out my joy. Who knew the guy that can cause me so much pain in one month can also treat me like this? Like a true gentleman. 

God, he's so awful yet adorable. He's mine though, at least I know that.


is this a good enough conclusion? I can always edit if it doesn't satisfy 🙃

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