You Care

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The piece of parchment in my hand is rough. It was ripped lazily from a bigger piece and it's obvious there was no care put into it. The sprawled words on the page are barely legible and the blank ink is splotched over certain letters. The cursive writing looks more like a mix diverse loops and lines. 

I crumple it into my hand, feeling an edge gently slice my palm. I don't even wince. My lip tremble spreads to the rest of my body, rage filling me as if I'm an empty glass. How dare Tom Riddle do this. How the fuck could he?

The door behind me bursts open but I don't turn. I know who it is. I know this is his room. I don't care.

He calls my name but I don't turn. My vision focusing only on the crushed paper in my closed fist. My breathing is shallow and fast pushing me towards exhaustion. My body never gets there though. My anger is just too much. 

His footsteps don't start closer or further from me. The darkening room is silent and I slowly look towards him, my trembling hand throwing the crumpled paper at his feet. He looks down, confused, but, when he sees what it is, he rushes over to me, trying to put his hands on my shoulders. I push him away, backing myself into his desk.

"No. Don't you dare touch me. Is this a joke?" I pause waiting for a hurried response or apology. He stays silent, his eyes locked on mine. They're so, so cold. I take a step towards him, my trembling finally making it's way to my voice. "I did everything for you. With you. We did this together. Together!"

He shakes his head, trying to get me to stop talking. I don't. He won't forget about me as easily as he tries. I'll be there. I'll always be there, whether he knows it or not. He accepted this the first time he touched me. The first time he kissed me. He brought this upon himself.

"Say it to my face. Right now. Say it." I take a step closer to him, my chest almost touching his. "Say it you coward!"

My insult seems to break his silence, his eyes showing his first sign of emotion. Anger. Of course. He can't feel anything other than anger. What a fucking brute.

"You are crazy. Insane. You break into my room, go through my shit, and then get mad when you find something? I'm sorry you got what you were looking for. What else do you want me to say? I am not sorry." His manipulation tactics are painfully obvious and I can't help but the laugh. The sound coming from my throat anything but a sign of forgiveness.

"I'm so, so sorry, Tommy," I mock. "If I didn't know you planned on fucking leave me I would have taken your sudden leave in a few days much better. I apologize."

I scoff, turning away towards his window. The sun is setting, the sky painted with stunning colors. I take a deep breath, taming my trembling slightly. 

"That note is so pathetic, Tom. You are a star student and you come up with that? Absolutely pathetic." I turn to him. "If you didn't want me anymore you just had to say so. I never cared about that. But what I built with you- I'm taking some of it with me. You will not leave me with nothing. I know my worth."

His face transforms for a moment. His seething anger switching to something like hurt for a minute. His mouth hangs open, his eyes glazed over in panic.

"You never cared about me?" His voice is quiet. the rumbling undertone holding something I've never heard from him before.

I open my mouth, thinking of words for a quick second before I say them, "You never cared about me either."

He shakes his head, the movement fast as he leans up against the desk, "No. No. I- no."

I don't know how to react. His voice is filled with so much pain and it's thrust upon me like a boulder. I stand still, crossing my arms against my chest and watching him with so much confusion it feels like a fever dream.

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