Part 12

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The calm waters were a contradiction to the storm building within you, you couldn't believe you had come face to face with your sisters killers again, you could feel the rage spreading within you, but you managed to keep control of it.

Yaz, Ryan and graham were huddled in a group, at the far end of the ship, they looked deep in conversation, Yaz's face was a myriad of expressions as she sat cross legged, listening to the others.

The doctor was sat opposite you, also lost in her own thoughts, for a brief moment the shadow of a frown crossed her face, and you went over to her. The doctor looked up at you, and once again you found yourself lost in her hazel green eyes as deep as the waters pulling you along, reaching over you placed your hand in hers, and gave her what you hoped would be a reassuring smile.

"Its strange," said the doctor "but those creatures remind me of ones I came across what seems like a lifetime ago now, just me and rose back then," she said

"rose? is that a former lover, a friend or companion, maybe family?" you asked her

she looked up at you again, and this time her eyes were filled with sadness, "she was all of those things and more" she said "brave, beautiful, with the heart of a lion, we travelled together for awhile, always running, but oh what adventures we had, you should have seen us run, she never ever gave up on me, even when it seemed as if all the odds were stacked against us, we had such adventures, and i have so many memories, of her"

"And where is she now?" you asked taking both the docotrs hands in your own, and gently stroking her fingertips,"

"in a parellell dimension, another time, another world, but shes out there still, living her best life, and thats all I ever really want for anyone who travels with me, for them to be happy and live life to the fullest, anyways the last time I saw creatures like this, they were werewolves and we defeated the one we came across with a diamond and moonlight, am not sure if that would work here though, "she said sighing softly as there is a lot of them this time, and im not even sure they are the same creatures, but im sure I will come up with a plan, I mean I am the doctor after all."

"and merlin you added, your magical exploits are the stuff of legend, here you said staring at her in awe, but I never expected you to be as enchanting as you are," you added making the doctor blush slightly, maybe we should get some sleep you suggested,  we could be in for a jounery by sea, so come lady merlin, let me escort you to your chambers,"

You looked over to where the others were still sat, still deep in conversation, the stars twinkling above, clasping the doctors hand you gently led her to her cabin. The room was larger then the doctor expected, and she quickly scanned it over, "have you dimensional engineering she asked," her smile widening as she took it all in " its just its bigger on the inside, like my ship,"

"I am not sure of the magical words you speakk merlin, but I  hope to one day see your ship too, this one is mine, and this is my cabin, but for you I will gladly give it up, as a young knight you hath influenced me and your stories which I am fond of retelling have given me the courage of a thousand men, you truly are everything I have anticipated and more," you said to her taking in every inch of her perfect features, determined that you would somehow commit them to memory.

"And where will you sleep, " asked the doctor, and please just call me the doctor, "Merlin is a name I havent used in awhile,"

"certainly doctor, but know you will always be merlin to me, and there are several cabins I can sleep in, I just want you to be comfortable," you said smiling at her again

The doctor walked over to the bed in the room, and signalled for you to sit beside her, "I look foward to you visiting my ship" she said

At that moment time seemed to stop, and all you could focus on was the thunderous sound of your heart beating in your chest, did the doctor know how much you had fallen under her spell, you were transfixed, your eyes could only see this beautiful vison before you, your nerves rising to the surface,  unfamilar to you, love had not been  an experience that had been gifted to you.

Of course you had your families love, and that of your comrades, but the feelings you were experiencing now, had never been a part of your existence, until now.

From the very first moment you had met the doctor, from the very first time you had taken in the beauty and energy that radiated from her in waves, you knew that the shape of your world was forever altered,  and now all your racing heart wanted to do was lean over and kiss this angel before you and just give in to everything you felt."

"Well doctor," you said your hand drifiting to the doctors hair, like fine silk, your fingers drifted through it, and you couldnt help but smile at her, "I will let you get your rest, and shall see you when the sun travels back to meet us again", then taking her hand you placed a gentle kiss on it, leaving her with a smile that melted your heart like the first winter snow.

When Darkness falls (13th doctor x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now