Part 10

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You set off at dawns calling, around you everywhere was bathed in goldn sunlight, and yet your heart grew weary for what lay ahead, and the memories that drifted back cut once more, the doctr and her companions stood around you, staring up at the sky, and for a brief moment you let your mind wander as your eyes settled on the doctor, looking as lost in thought as you were, her blonde hair a halo around her head, shone as brightly as the sunlight...what thoughts wandered through her mind you could only guess at.

Looking at you she smiled, "well shall we get a shift on," she said then turning to face graham, ryan and yaz, she smiled again, her impossibly vibrant hazel green eyes glinting with what could only be described as childlike excitement.

One by one you made our way out of the capital, the weather favouring you all by staying wam, the sky thankfully free of clouds. none off you knew what to expect, and what little you could recall yourself  was fragmented, like the jagged shards of a mirror, you closed your eyes to try and focus, and it was then you heard the screams in your mind, so deafening you faltered and almost lost your balance.

"are you ok," asked the doctor, rushing to your side, before you could utter another word

"I'm fine," you said your lips forming into a smile which felt forced and false.

"This just brings back a lot of bad memories'" you said, your eyes focusing on the horizon before you, the doctor looked at you, and it felt as if she could see into your soul and bare witness to all the pain there, and she grabbed your hand and you felt spark of connection, and in her eyes, in her beautiful eyes, the pain that had become a constant compnaion to you now was mirrored, and for what could have only been a few moments, but seemed like an eternity you just stood there looking at her, and a wave of warmth washed over you, and you felt comforted by her prescence.

Behind you Graham and Ryan coughed, and Yaz stared awkwardly at the floor, without missing a beat you reluctantly let go of the warmth of the doctors hand and made your way towards the hills that seemed to be an age away from you all, behind those hills was the village where you had first encountered the things that had massacred an entire village, and left you with no blood family to call your own.

The queen had taken every precaution to ensure your saftey, she had entrusted three of your fellow knights to aid in your protection, Tessa, Alana, and Kira stood behind the doctors companions, armed to to the teeth, Tessa had her ice swords that glinted menacingly either side of her, Alana carried her lightning scabbards which were secured in her hunting boots , and kira, kira had no weapons, she had never had any need of them,  her magic skills far excelled any of the queens weapon hardened warriors.

From an early age her prowess in magic had been obvious, and made even you envious, she stood like a silent statue, her long brown hair braided off her face, waiting patiently for you all to make your way through the maze of rocks and boulders that lined the path in front of you. You had enough food and water to last at least three days, you hoped the journey would not take that long though, all you wanted to do was find the beasts that were now a very real danger to the lands you had known from childhood...find them and then find a way to stop them forever.

Behind you the sun was setting, and so you decided it was time to stop and make camp for the night, one of you would take watch and the rest of you would sleep, without hesitation you offered to take the first nights watch, "Fancy some company," the doctor said,

"You don't have to.." you began to say

"Dont worry," the doctor said  "Im not really the one for sleeping in, mind never seems to shut off," she said smiling again. You chose a spot in an abandoned cave nearby, in case the rains started up. Tess, Alana and kira went to find suitable firewood for a fire while Yaz, Graham and Ryan set up everyones sleeping bags.

By the time the first stars had apeared in the sky,  you and your fellow knights had started the fire, which flickered into the night, illumanating the cave walls, and casting a thousand shadows, which was peacefull but also at the same time deeply unerving. You had always found the darkness unsettling, had never found peace within it, the imagination of a person could run riot when faced with darkness, and picture things that did not exist from shapes made from fire.

Graham and Ryan were deep in converstaion whilst eating some of the chicken that had been prepared for your journey, to the left of them Yaz was talking to Kira and the two were smilng and laughing, and seemed oblivious of all around them,  their laughter echoed around the small cavern, making them seem like lifelong friends instead of strangers who had not long met.

You envied that, the ability to relax in the prescence of someone and just let go of everything that ran through your mind, that kept you awake at night, asking endless questions.You had never been able to just enjoy the moment, to let go of all the worry, and doubt you carried around with you, that you wore like a second skin. It had begun when you had lost your parents, so many questions there, so many things you wish you could have experienced with them, you had never known what they were like, never seen their faces or heard their laughter, or felt thrir embrace, the only iamges you had of them was when your sister had relayed stories of them, now she too was gone, and her abscence echoed in every memory you had of her, even just remembering was painful, every recollection was a knife through the heart, reminding you that everything you knew was changed forever now, that the past was all you had left of your family, and you could never go back there.

Without realising it you let out an audible sigh, and when you looked up the doctor was sat beside you, "I can see your hurting," she said "And I've had my share of loss, and if you need to talk, i'm always here to talk, I cant promise it will fix that pain you carry round with you, but sometimes just having someone listen...well for me it has helped,"  again she grabbed your hand and again you felt that wave wash over you, like coming into a place of sanctuary after a long storm, and you felt yourself let go, something you never believed you would feel, and you stared at her with wonder, lost in her eyes and in the moment.

Who was she this mysterious doctor ? this beautiful woman sitting beside you, and how did she make you feel this relaxed, this safe whenever she talked to you...surely this must be magic, as you barely knew her,  surely this must be the magic of the one your queen had called Merlin, she was a stranger to you, an unfamiliar face, in an unfamiliar place, yet it felt as if you had known her a thousand years, your skin tingled from where her hand touched yours, and you felt lost for words, unable to expreess the way her skin touching yours, made your stomach involuntarily flip over.

You had your share of romantic, and non romantic encounters, and you were experienced in all aspects of the heart, and the body, but near this doctor, you felt as inexperienced as a child, the feelings that shot through you like the lightning from your friends scabbards was strange to you...but at the same time fascinating, time and space seemed to erase, all you could focus on her was her face, and her lips which seemed nearer then they had been a mere second ago, your heart began to beat furiously and you felt hot with fever, and ever so slightly you trembled as you closed your eyes....your breath caught in your throat, waiting for the kiss you were hoping would meet your slighlty parted lips...

and it was then you heard the screams, that tore you back to reality in an instant and as you pulled away from the doctor you saw something looming over Yaz....a dark shadow shape that you might have dismissed as a shape made from the fire...had it not been for the eyes that glowed blood red...eys that were now focused on you and the doctor...

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