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My head swimming.....I couldn't focus....I felt my breath emerge as shallow rasps....the rage burning....the loss friends...the only family I had ever known...cut down In front of me....i felt numb....battle mind flashed back to the slaughter that had happened...we had been sent out by the kingdom to check on a nearby village that had been attacked by unknown assassins....everything had happened so time to act or react....we had walked into an ambush...everyone in the village dead already....their murderers still there to greet us....i had watched as my friends had fell one by one....  had felt something cold and sharp enter my body...and then much blood.....i could feel it flowing out of me.. .taste it in the back of my throat....and then that sound....strange...machine like....odd but also comforting....and then as I collapsed to the floor.... I had found myself looking up into a pair of kind but determined hazel green eyes....youthful and at the same time old.

Had felt two surprisingly strong hands lift me up and carry me....then voices all around me....some rising in eyes the world dissolved and disappeared into darkness.....

When Darkness falls (13th doctor x reader story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant