Part 13

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By the time the sun had broken through the cover of clouds, you could see signs of land in the distance, everyone was huddled on the deck of the ship, you stood behind the doctor watching her squint at the horizon.

In the distance you could just make out  tree shapes, and grass as far as the eye could see,

by the position of the sun in the sky you figured out that it would still be a few hours before the ship reached land, the apprehension onboard ship was a tangible prescence, no one knew what to expect, you knew though that whatever it was that you would come face to face with on the island you would face it with the doctor without a spark of fear, and even though you hadn't known her long it felt as though you had known her for a thousand lifetimes.

For a brief moment your eyes met hers and you lost all sense of time, it was as if you had fallen into the very fabric of the universe, and here in this safe space nothing from the outside world could touch you.

Yaz graham, and ryan were gathering food supplies and packing them into small ruscksacks for when you reached land, tessa and kira were helping them.

"I must check the weapon inventory," you said to the doctor

"I dont really need weapons," said the doctor "words have always been my weapons,"

"My sword is only ever used to protect those who cannot protect themselves," you replied

guiding her to your cabin again, you walked over to a giant ruby encrusted chest that was directly opposite your bed, inside were various longswords, bows and arrows, you gathered some arrows, and a longbow, and continued to search through the chest, you added a few daggers and a shield to your rapidly increasing armory.

You were so lost in your thoughts you hadnt even noticed that you were still holding the doctors hand, slowly you looked down, and then without even giving it a second thought you put your weapons to one side and found your now empty hand reaching up to touch her hair, your heart wondering what it would feel like between your fingertips, you could feel her smile against your hand as you finally made contact, could feel the distance between you closing, the soft touch of her lips against yours, and you just wanted to sink into this feeling of bliss unlike anything you had ever experienced before, if avalon existed  you thought, then this is what it would feel like, and then the sound of howling echoed around the room, shaking you back to reality, bringing you back from paradise and into a very unxepected reality, then without a thought, without a word you unsheathed your sword, heading to the deck where the sound was coming from, the doctors hand still tightly clasped in yours as you held her to you, prepared to defend her if you needed to.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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