Part 7

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Wiping sweat off your brow you pushed past the doctor your arms briefly touching as you moved to stand in front of the group.

The previous cool air had transformed into a heat wave and you could feel your under garments beneath your armour sticking to you like a second skin.

You nodded to the guards who repeated the gesture, suddenly one of them, a young girl roughly about your age moved past them, taller then you by at least a foot, her long blonde hair fell in perfect ringlets down her back, she had a crossbow strapped to it that looked as if it had been carved out of ice, her armour glinted in the sunlight that pooled round you all, then before you could utter a word she had you in a bear like embrace.

"Y/N," she exclaimed her lips break ing into a smile that was contagious and beautiful
"We were going to send a search party out when we had no word from your unit, pray tell me what happened ? " She said her brown eyes mirroring the concern in her voice.

"We were ambushed, you said, when we got to the rescue point the entire village had been slain, so many unesscersary deaths," you said your fists clenching as you spoke, palms tightening round the hilt of your sword.

You could feel the rage again, brimming below the surface, within reaching distance as your mind recalled the images of the hundreds of women and children you had seen scattered about.

You wanted to scream, to vent your frustration to the silent skies, to give a voice to the pain coursing like an endless river through you, behind you, you felt the doctor place a reassuring hand on your shoulder,
And with that simple gesture you could feel yourself regaining some semblance of calm.
"No one survived," you continued "My unit was massacred, torn to pieces, it all happened so quickly I didn't even get a view of faces or forms, I just remember looking at the dead villagers lying around me and then the blackness closed in on me and the last thing I saw was a pair of teeth descending down upon Me, then when I awoke my sister was lying beside Me,"

You fought back tears as you struggled to complete the next sentence "whatever those things were they...they killed her," you finished, your words felt raw in your throat.

It felt as if you had swallowed a shard of glass as new images of your dead sister floated phantom like through your mind, you couldn't focus again, you couldn't catch your breath again, you could feel screams forming there that threatened to break down the walls of your self control, and you couldn't lose control, not yet.
"She's still in shock," the doctor said standing beside you and taking your hand without thinking.
"And you are," asked the doctor.

Without a word the doctor held aloft her psychic paper, and watched in amusement as the knight standing before you read aloud Merlin and his apprentices Ryan, yaz and Graham, the knight then turned to the doctor "By Arthur's sword you are Merlin, wizard and aide to king arthur, your legend is still talked about to this Day," she said her eyes wide and full of barely contained wonder "but I was sure from the way the legends were spoken of that you were a man,"

"And a few times I was" stated the doctor, to which the knight gave her a puzzled look, before turning back to you, "well if you are indeed friends with the all powerful Merlin then we are blessed today, as if the threat that we are now facing is as grave as you say, then we will need all the firepower there is," she said

Behind you Ryan, Graham and Yaz were looking in awe at the many tapestries that adorned the walls of the great hall,
"This is so cool," said Ryan his face echoing that of his friends behind him
"So Tessa," you said "where is our queen, I must relay to her all that has transpired.
The young knight who you now knew was called Tessa signalled for the other knights to move to the end of the hall, then turning to you all again she said, "follow Me, our queen will be anxious to speak to you, and to Merlin," she said indicating towards the doctor who was standing beside you again resting her arm on your shoulder "well lead the way," said the doctor as one by one the rest of the knights led you to another great door, behind which stood the throne room.

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