Part 3

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The sound of screaming echoed through the blackness which stretched out seemingly endless, encompassing everything in sight, the ground beneath me was soaked in blood, flames leapt from the hallowed out shells of cottages, the smell of smoke rising upwards like phantom fingers.

Bodies lay strewn out, mannequin -like and lifeless, staring sightlessly at the star filled sky....the beauty above a stark contrast to the nightmare below.

I could feel myself walking aimlessly forward, but I felt as if I were trudging through tar, unable to get away from the screaming which still burned in my head, the screams of my comrades, my family...keeping My eyes on the horizon...I made  my way through the bodies of women and children, all with the same agonized expression on their faces, as if their last moments on earth had been ones of pure terror.
Finally I stopped, and the face I found myself looking down on...was the ashen face of my birth sister, I had grown up with the rest of my fallen comrades but my sister Alisha was my only blood family.....I had never known my mother or father, Alisha had brought me up as if she were both a mother and father to me, now here she lay mutilated, and bleeding...I picked her up, my heart heavy, I was never one for emotions, my training as a knight had taught me that letting emotions take hold of you in battle was like a death made you weak.
But here I was crying like a new born baby, screaming my grief to a world that could not hear me...everything was gone now, the pain was unbearable, this wasnt supposed to wasn't supposed to be like this, we were unprepared, we didn't expect to find what we did, outnumbered we were cut down one by one, it was meant to be a routine mission, get the villagers, and get out, now here I was bleeding..dying, with no sign of help, no way out.

Grabbing my sister's cold body I pulled her into my arms, and buried my face into her hair which had once shone as bright as the summer Sun, my pain flowing out in waves, her name on my lips as I clung to her, as if my very strength might pour the life back into her...and then I saw it, a shadow shape that looked like a man, but was not a man, it's features grotesque, dressed in the clothes of a Japanese warrior, its eyes glowed like yellow storms...its face covering ripping to shreds and from that tear emerged a set of teeth, razorlike and blood smeared...descending slowly towards my now screaming face, tearing blindly at the empty air, my eyes snapped open, and I realised I had been dreaming, but I couldn't stop the screams that still tore from my throat, emerging now as a name, "Alisha.. .Alisha
. .no," I shouted at the silence, My eyes burning with tears that spilled from my eyes, unable to stop myself, to pull myself away from the memory of her..or from the feeling that I was now completely alone....and that she was gone...truly gone from me, my beautiful big sister, and that I couldn't  do anything to change that no matter how much my broken heart wanted  to, and then I sensed a calming presence, I felt myself being lifted into a pair of strong arms, and felt gentle fingertips running over and over through my sweat soaked hair
And then a voice reassuring me
"Y/n it's me...its the doctor, and you are safe...I promise you Y/N you are safe....

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