Part 8

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The throne rooms interior looked as if it had been carved out of diamonds, you had entered this room more times then you could count but each time left you speechless by its otherworldly appearance.

The walls shone, sparkling in random patterns, reminding you again of a star filled expanse of sky, light bouncing In patterns off the floor beneath you which was mirrored reflecting you all as you walked across to where the queen was sitting on a large ornate throne which took up most of the space at the end of the room, and was also made up of diamonds.

The woman sitting upon the throne was a sight to behold, her beauty was a talking point in all the known kingdoms and beyond, and whenever she talked to you, she made you feel as if you were the only person in the room with her, a quality which was rare in a leader, most royalty could be obnoxious, and only focused on their sense of self.

Queen Erza was as far From that image of royalty as the moon that illuminated the heavens at Night, dressed in a white gown that flowed outwards around her...pooling at her feet adding even more to the air of fairy tail beauty that emanated from her.

Ethereal and commanding, she looked like a princess in a tower and a warrior combined, magical and mighty, both in combat and in day to day living, slender and strong, her long silver hair fell down her back and around her slim tapered waist  in silken waves, framing her soft face, and emphasising her high cheekbones that looked as if they had been carved by a master sculptor, and when she turned to look at the doctor with eyes more blue then a thousand summers skies, one eyebrow arched in a silent but authoritative  questioning manner you couldn't help but notice the doctors cheeks turn a slight shade of crimson.
The queen then turned to you
"Welcome home Y/N," she gently said
Then scanning the room she asked you if any of your unit had returned with you, her eyes softening when you told her that everyone had perished, and that the villagers you had been sent out to save had been massacred by an enemy you had yet to name.
"When we arrived, it was like a scene from hell itself," you explained "Dead bodies everywhere, many of them women and children....we were ambushed, none of us had time to fight back, our enemies came at us with ungodly speed, then before I could so much as lift my sword I was knocked unconscious, I barely got a look at the monsters, I just recall Dragon sharp teeth, and eyes as red as blood and then when I woke my unit had been slain, torn to pieces....everyone killed...even sister Alisha," you said swallowing back the surge of feelings that threatened to drown you again.

Shaking your head, you took a deep intake of breath as you tried to steady yourself from the wave that was shadowed over you, the screams in your head barely suppressed as you felt image after image of needless, senseless death flash back at you.
"It's Ok," Queen Erza said her lips forming into a compassionate smile
"I know how close you were to your blood sister Alisha, and I promise you we will not stop until we avenge all our fallen comrades."

It was at this point the doctor chose to interupt your conversation
"Vengence isn't all its it's cracked up to be," she solemnly said "even with the best of intentions things can still skew out of control,"
"And you are," asked the queen
Clearly not amused by the doctors intervention and interruption.

Tess who had remained silent till now rushed at once to the queens side, her eyes bright, a mirror to the diamond stars that glittered around you "This is none other then Merlin, aide and advisor to the legendary king Arthur," she said

The queens previous expression of disdain and impatience transformed at once to one of surprise then awe as she lifted herself from off her throne and walked to where the doctor stood with Ryan, Yaz and Graham.

She then circled the doctor as if she were looking at a heavenly artifact, her whole mannerism changing as she held her now trembling hand out to touch the doctors amused looking face.

"I have heard so many tales of you, as a child," she said her voice still in awe
"I Would never have known in all my days from those stories that you were a woman, it is surprising indeed, but from what I have heard from Y/N  there are dark times coming to our lands and we now face an enemy that is unlike any before...but even so we must protect those we hold dear from this threat, even if the threat is more challenging then anything we have seen or known before, so Merlin who legend calls the most powerful wizard of all times, will you assist us in these most trying and difficult of times,"

The doctor smiled as she turned to look at Ryan, yaz, Graham and you,
And with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes that showed her confidence more then words ever could
She simply said
"Yes, of course...helping is what I am here for.'"

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