Part 6

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The doctor landed the tardis not far from the main citadel, the sky was a myriad of orange hues, as two suns set slowly, the air was hot and heavy, barren of a breeze, yet despite the sweltering heat, the main courtyard was full to burtsing, people dressed in silken finaries walked up and down their eyes fixed on the dozens upon dozens of market stalls which lay scattered around.

Each one selling various items, there was a medicine stall full of herbs and strange substances crushed into clay bowls, glass jars lined wooden shelves above each bearing a different label, a food stall was situated to yaz's right full of wondrous looking tiered cakes, breads and small cakes that resembled cupcakes, yaz looked longingly at the cupcakes and commented on how hungry she was.

A weapons stall stood to the left of the doctor, displaying various swords and crossbows, In the centre of the stall, a small opening had been carved out where a sword that could easily have passed for exalibur was the main centrepiece of it all, glinting in the fading light, it was embedded in an anvil shaped piece of rock.

The doctor walked up to it, and without a second thought pulled the sword from its resting place in one fluid motion.

The owner of the shop stared slack jawed at her.
'Well," she stated  "its not like its the genuine article"
"Well actually," the seller began to say, before he was interupted by a golden carriage hurtling past, attached to the carriage were four winged horses wearing diamond halters, and glowing chrystal saddles, mounted on the horses were four knights, dressed in the same garb as Y/N.

"Well looks like we aint in kansas no more," muttered graham to himself
"We arent far from the queens citadel" you said as you ushered the doctor and the others to follow you, an immense shimmering structure the citadel dwarfed the rest of the courtyard its ivory flag mast at home in the clouds, which seemed to only hover round the roof of this huge building.

Stained glass windows with various religious icons glinted down on you, and as you came to a sudden stop, before you stood two immense oak doors, towering like sleeping giants above yours, the Doctor's, Yaz, Ryan's and Grahams head.

You stood back thinking with an intake of breath how beautiful the citadel looked as night took hold of the capital, no matter how many times you looked upon it, it was still one of the most magnificent and oldest buildings in all of Fiore,"

"Well here we are," you said, turning to the doctor
Then turning back to the doors you unsheathed your own sword, and banged the golden hilt on the wood of the doors in front of you
" sword" said ryan as he reached out to touch it
"Careful," you remarked pulling the sword away from him
"Sorry...was just looking," stated ryan
"Its just ive never seen a sword like that before.
"This was my sisters fire sword," you said, your eyes darkening again with barely contained emotion, "see her intials are here you said pointing at the golden hilt where two letters had been engraved they read A.S
"You said fire sword" said Graham looking confused by the statement
"Yes" you said "You see, its a magic sword, when in battle with one simple word, which is pyros, it will ignite the blade," you said

Then standing back you held the sword above you, and demonstrated it to them, the blade glowed above your head, flames travelled up the twin dragons that were part of the blades decoration, spreading outwards until the whole weapon was wreathed in flames.

Ryan stared at you, his brown eyes full of childish wonder.
"So your magic knights," asked the doctor looking as impressed as Ryan.

"Magic is commonplace here'" you stated "For some it is mostly used to assist in day to day living, but here in the heart of our kingdom, magic is used to protect our lands and beyond from the greatest of threats, sadly the threat you saved me from, was one neither I, or my fellow knights have encountered before....I cant remember much," you said as you turned again to the door
"I can only recall the faces of those things, and they would truly chill the blood," you said looking at each of their faces in turn.
"Well lucky for you...its almost impossible to frighten me," said the doctor.
"Ive seen things, things no one would believe, some beautiful to behold, but some the stuff of nightmares so dark they would break you're soul,"

She then paused and her lips twitched into a smile as she said "that was quite poetical wasnt it...hmmm but very dark, must be that whole year I hung out with edgar alan poe, she said "I think i even pitched in some ideas for The tell tale heart," she said still smiling
"Seriously doc," said graham looking amazed.
"Yeah seriously...he could never," she began to say, before she was cut off by the sound of the huge doors we were still facing opening outwards, and in the open space where the doors had been stood a troup of armed knights, and at their side stood five very angry and immense silver black wolves.

"Well hello there," said the doctor striding through the opening as if she owned the place.
"I'm the doctor...and these lovley people," she said signalling behind her "are my fam,"

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